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another term for maybe, usually phrased by gay people

GAY PERSON 1: wanna suck my dick
GAY PERSON 2: maybes

by GAY PERSON 2: June 28, 2006

13๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


When you ask someone something serious and they reply with maybe.

'Would you marry me?'
dude, you just got maybed

by SkinnyZucchini May 3, 2020

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A mother's definition of "yes", if she wants to let you hope she agrees.

Daughter/Son: Mum, please, please, please let me go to that cncert, it's so damn important to me.
Mum: Maybe, I'll think about it.

by Jacky-Padabieber March 27, 2011

4๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


The shortened or condensed version of 'maybe' -- perhaps, possibly, a possibility or uncertainty -- usually associated with and implemented in online chatting, texting, posting, blogging, etc...

}}} Much the same as a foreign language or shorthand would be to someone not familiar with it, online language such as this is often hard to decipher and understand for those unaccustomed to the use of it. Commonly thought to be rather irritating to those who prefer to type whole words, sometimes fanatically insisting that everyone should use the correct punctuation as well, and is mistakenly generally associated with a lower intelligence level many times as such may indicate in some situations that a person may not have such a great ability to spell words correctly. Many times it is not due to the inability of the person utilizing this shortened version of words and has nothing to do with their intelligence level. Rather, it is a personal choice to type in this manner and may actually be a sign of higher intelligence as the typer is actually able to understand, decipher, and interpret the shortened versions of words written in this manner. {{{

IM No.1 :: Do u wanna eat dinner out 2night babe?
IM No.2 :: I dunno, dont feel up2it really.
IM No.1 :: Yea, ur tired cause u dont catch nuf Zzz's. Mayb 2morrow?
IM No.2 :: Sure, np.

by CDLady May 7, 2008

5๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


either means yes or no

Guy 1: Are you going out later?
Guy 2: Maybe

by Char Char La September 15, 2023


a word that is used whaen the person doesn't want to know the awnsere. can go like this

1.when awnsered to a "can I have this" always no.
2.when it is something incriminating the it is always yes
3.when awnsered very quikly with mabye it means they don't care at all.

1.-can I have an iPod?
- maybe(no)
2.-did you rob a bank
3.-do you like bush over keri
-maybe(they are both so bad I can't choose)

by dude March 27, 2005

18๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž



"Does 1+1=2?"

by Grind3r July 18, 2012

3๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž