The worst years of everyone's life. Not one person looks back on them fondly, even the people who were supposedly "popular" at the time. Typically middle schools offer 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. Some school districts like to be nice and have middle school start at 7th grade, thus making you only have to suffer two years of hell, but some like to be evil and add 5th grade to middle school, therefore making you have to sit through 4 years of misery, competition, and having to deal with not only your pubescent suicidal self who is a bitch/asshole on the outside, but also with hundreds of other suicidal pubescent pre-teens who are bitches/assholes on the outside.
The reason middle school is so bad is basically because everyone is going through puberty, making them feel like shit. So right off the bat their life sucks. To make matters worse, many people in middle school turn into obnoxious wannabes who think they're 10 years older then they are to make themselves feel better. These people form fake friendships and cliques and then make everyone else compete with them because they think no one is cooler then them. So in middle school people also pretty much hate each other. Lastly, work in middle school can sometimes be even more then high schoolers and college students get, causing a great amount of stress.
Luckily, middle school does go by pretty fast, so then you get to go to high school, which is 10000x better then middle school (although still not all that great).
High schooler: So how's middle school?
Middle schooler: It sucks. Really bad. I wanna die. Really badly.
High school: Aaah, yeah. I used to feel like that in middle school. Just remember when middle school is done you get to go to HIGH SCHOOL, which doesn't much as middle school.
Middle schooler: :| *encounters great amount of stress and hatred in the meantime*
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a place where people pretend to be your friends but really they're just talking about how fat, ugly or stupid you are, when, you might just be none of those 3.
the teachers play favorites and want the rest of their students to die. they hate crude, middle school boy related humor and give you large amounts of work.
everybody has a group, and is real shit-faced about it when you ask to join their group.
your boyfriend of three weeks pretends to like you, but really he just likes the easy girl with big boobs. and is using you to prove he can get a girl.
the girls think they're in love with every boy they date, and are overly romantic about EVERYTHING.
test are shittin' hard and homework comes in plies. there is hardly ever a break from the insanity.
when girls get pissy with each other it blows up into a huge fight, lasting for like, two days, and when guys get mad at each other, they just beat the shit out of each other and call it even.
the popular group loves themselves too much and they're assholes to people they think are lesser then them. the popular girls are usually sluts who are mad easy and act like they're four years older then they really are. they fool around with their boyfriends, or talk about fooling around with their boyfriends, who are just looking to get some and walk around with a 24/7 monster boner.
the principal is just some weirdo who points at you in the hall and asks how you're doing. (some are really faggy)
then in 8th grade, when all the madness is nearly over, you realize that middle school was one pit of hell you never want to return to.
Principal: hello young man, how are you today?
Boy: i'm fan-fucking-tastic. i have the world's largest boner, i'm getting pimples, and my braces hurt like a bitch. i'm failing english because i'm fucking dyslexic.
Principal: have a nice day!
Boy: asshole.
Middle School memories will always haunt you.
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...and that the middle finger
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The 2nd in a family of 3 children.
As the oldest child is special to the parents for being the 1st, and the 3rd child is special for being the baby of the family, the middle child is never the favorite child.
-quiet around family but fun with friends
-hates conflict
-feels a need to defend people outside of the family when family criticizes someone
- alone
-have a sarcastic personality
-lots of common sense
-somewhat secretive
-not as close to their parents as the other children are
-left out of activities
-does not like to join in on something unless specifically invited
-don't feel like they can talk to others openly when their family is with them
-sometimes wear sunglasses so that they can cry without anyone noticing
-dress, write, talk and act more boring than they would like for fear of criticism from family
-deal with a lot of bitterness
-very creative
-sometimes named after a dead relative no one really knew
-hate being compared to relatives
-finish eating before everyone else at dinner and disappear
-oidentify with and sympathize with the villains/bad guys in fiction. (Loki, Darth Vadar, etc...)
The middle child often feels isolated and detached from their family. They are eager to leave the town they've grown up in. Middle children often long for true love and a family of their own so that they can try to "make up" for the way they were treated by treating all of their kids equal.
Middle child: So Mom said she isn't going to take me to that campout after all... *sigh*
Oldest child: Oh, sorry.
Middle Child: It's alright, what do I expect? I am the Middle Child, after all.
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Middle school is the worst 3 years of anyones life.
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A time in year, where several people freak out because of a song called "Heat Waves".
Maybe even some fandoms will interact more on twitter with there daily beef.
Stacy: OMG it's the middle of June!
Nick: That's so DNF!
The bad boy himselfe: Don't take it serious guys!
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The hell-hole where 5th, 6th,7th, and 8th graders are taught. The place where jerks reign supereme and perverts lose their virginity. The place where satan and all the demons of hell inhabit. The four years that shatter all dreams and destroy all hope for happiness. The structure in which friends leave you and betray you. The nazi death camp where teachers don't respect you and humiliate you. That is middle school.
5th Grader- Yay! I'm finally in middle school!
8th Grader- You have no idea you fucking piece of shit midget! WELCOME TO HELL!
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