A man with this aura that gives you an overwhelmingly compelling feeling to open up to, kinda like an uncle. He’s your age but he looks so much older.
I told Mohammad Twam about my troubles, for some reason he’s so easy to talk to even though he looks old as shit
A guy with an overwhelmingly compelling aura that gives you the urge to open up to, he’s kind of like an uncle to everyone but he’s your age.
A guy who looks old who’s also easy to talk to
I opened up to Mohammad Twam the other day, but he looks old as shit.
Never ever search this name as no one can understand this person properly.
Beyond your imagination
Syed Mohammad Ali is an unpredictable person
A nice person, who cares and lives life for others. Being a Mohammad Faiyez also means that your very immature. A Mohammad Faiyez has a mind of a 13-year-old mind going through puberty. A Mohammad Faiyez is an extremely hard worker!
Your being such a Mohammad Faiyez
Hi I have a face book account and I post pictures and videos you should go check it out
It is a name Mohammad Ayaan qadri and used in a sentence
The definition of weird, has green pimples, eats monkey shit, eyebrows look like boomerangs, and loves chimpanzees.
Bruh i was at the zoo and saw something like Mohammad Hoq
An action of which you are forced to do based on a previously silly choice.
Oh no, I've got to collect my friends hoodie from the roof of a container. I should not have given it to that large Pigeon.
I'm such a Lil' Mohammad