One of the sweetest and nicest people you would ever meet,always here for you never wanna take advantage of you and hate seeing a friend sad from them
So if you have mohaned as a friend be thankful because you will never find another trustworthy person like mohaned
Mohaned is so nice
A moment in which a Mohan Rohan I'd very sadge and cannot feel the pain of Worsley emotions other than sadge
Omg that's such a sadge Mohan moment
The New CEO of YouTube, superseded from Susan Wabbajack, Who has a fetish for adverts even worse than Dan Schneider's fetish for children's feet. So much so that the sped goes and blocks the video player for people with an AdBlocker.
Oh, we can't forget the "aDvAnCeD fEaTuReS" that he decided to take away from channels for no reason at all, basically forcing users to give out their personal information to the communist corporation worth McMillions named "Google" (the same company who pushes their proprietary image format ".WEBP" which even their own apps don't support) so they pin a comment.
"Grammarly ads are pretty rad" - Neal Mohan and Neal Mohan only
"To help keep our community safe, we limit some of our more powerful features to channels who have built and maintained a positive channel history or who have provided verification.
As of now, your channel doesn’t have sufficient channel history. It has lost access to advanced features. This may have happened because your channel did not follow our Community Guidelines." - The Psychopath named Neal Mohan
The dick of a man who embraces the most masculine caresses with love. When passion erupts within the testicles he moans “I need more delicious sauce in my holes. Fill me until I brimming with tears!!!” The climax fucking ends in ruins of disappointment because I huffed Viagara. Priapism of my member feels tender, electric eels would be necessary to revive the sick. #truestory
Nurse: ‘Doctor! We have a male patient in the emergency room; he pulled a dirty Mohan!’
Doctor: ‘Dear lord! Fetch the electric eels at once!’
stupidest poochakutty u will ever come across
nandana mohan fights with shriinidhi