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nillie (pronounced like willy

nillie: (pronounced like willy)

A more humourous twist on 'nearly' often exclaimed after someone nearly jumped the fence or nearly ducked the tree branch, or nearly spoke a sentence but FAILED

"The high score on this game is 1300 and i got 1298"
"hahahahaha, such a nillie"

by Eirike May 12, 2005

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dilly dilly willy nilly silly

After too many beers lip sinking to a Willy Nelson song.

After winning beer pong he was Dilly Dilly Willy Nilly Silly.

by Casey Parler February 25, 2018

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hot rod, dong, willy nilly

a large thing that defines man.

Mary: how long is yours
David: 14 inches
Mary: stud
David: wanna see it
Mary: yikes...................hoochie mama

by Anonymous September 9, 2003

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nilly sandy

The nilly sandy is one of the tastiest morsels/snacks ever created. Created by placing anything between two vanilla waffers to create a sandwich effect. Reccomended fillings include fudge, peanut butter, jelly, chocolate, icing, and even more nillies (ie. the double and triple nilly sandy).

Dude, can you fix me up a nilly sandy, I've been hankering all day for a tasty treat.

by big donny May 14, 2007

willys nilly

the process of the willys nilly is where the victim is thrown violently down to a door frame and is strapped down with belt buckles and chuckles giggity giggity and is forced to watch lesbian porn and the victims eyes are forced open by taping two forks together while the ends of the forks are faced out and putting them between there eyes. and then is filled with insane yeast infections. once this torture or pleasure is over the victim is then filled with jizz and is dragged across the floor saying " im a snail, im a snail" then is forced to go to Vietnam lose his or her leg then come back to america to visit his family, only to come back to get his leg cause that littering.

i went to my moms house and then my dad that should be in prison did the old willys nilly on me.

by ronjeremyuiyt November 4, 2017

nilly nigga

just a bitch ass nigga

Nilly: Oh wow what a wonderful day

Nilly Nigga: I know right?

Everyone in Chat: MF WHO ARE YOU???????

by ChampoTheGreat February 25, 2024


Guileless, hackneyed, trite, corny, ingenuous, innocent, simple-minded.

Earlier on, Jake tries to tell a joke in order to fit in

My god, Jake is so nilly.

Adam is a bit nilly.

by Eddy Arthur November 14, 2023