keep a pouch of sweetcorn in your wallet like 6 or 7 bits, when you have had a really nice meal out and want to know the value within your body then eat the sweetcorn, check your poop over next few days and once the sweetcorn is visible you know that meal has been pooped out.
That meal at "insert expensive restaurant name" had a food bookmark of 5 days
Where you keep all of your porn-related bookmarks on your computer.
I want to bookmark porn. Better put it in other bookmarks.
When you are supposed to have read a book and the test is the next day and you stay up the night before and read the book all the way through.
Jim: Bro, did you read "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"?
Joe: Yeah man, I no bookmarked that thing so hard last night!
Jim: Nice!
This was above the Uban dictionary. You just got bored that this is on how you have fun now.
Add to bookmark bar. Is to save it
Adding a web page to a list of favourites for easier future accessibility.
Be well advised to bookmark location for future refernce.
A male or female that keeps record or can recall all the people they have been with, meaning as dating and or sleeping with.
The other day I was talking with a friend about my boyfriend and our conversation suddenly jumped to all the guys she has been with. What a bookmark whore!
Let's mark this as a point to revist/come back to a later point. Let's pause this conversation here
Let's agree to bookmark this