cologne, Perfume, good smell'n stuff
you need to go put on some poo purdy. what kind of poo purdy are you wearing
The other half of orange justice.
1/2 orange shirt kid, 1/2 roy purdy
She is really crazy and is funny like 3 times a year. Very weird kind of smells but really okay
*tells a bad joke* wow you sound like Emerson purdy
Jared Purdy is sometimes cool, but he is also a jack as* most of the time.
Jared Purdy is smart but is an ass when he brags about things
Daniel Purdies are very attractive to Kaitlyn's.
OMG Daniel Purdie is so attractive!
When someone sends a meme you have seen already or says somthing you cant undeerstant at that time.
Bob-*sends epic meme*
You-*has seen already* *heavy Brathing* "DaS PuRdY nEaT"