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Oni chan I have dick

This term is used in Japanese hentai normally filming a young child with a fold man this man is ready to have sexual intercouse with the young child (which in the west is considered pedophile) this man is then told β€œoni chan I have a dick” normally the man is not phased by this and goes in for the tight pum.

Oh oni chan I have dick if you forget

The man below is a know sex offender

by Dengplural December 9, 2019

23πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Dirty Roman Ant-ony

A greasy janitor that dwells in musty basements. Rarely showers, cowars at the site of another human being, and plays video games as compensation for his lack of vigilance and integrity.

1.Ant-ony is a dirty piece of shit


3.Ant-ony is an anti-social sack of dog excriment.

by gottahateniggaz August 22, 2005

9πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


a good friend, teasing, but you'll love his company. He's sweet and knows really good games, you'll love being around him

"I love Oni, but sometimes he teases me in horror games"
"Oni is so kind to me"

by miauemi August 4, 2023


oni or "akuma" is definition of demon or devil which is a enemy of kamisama

on the night of the blood moon the oni will attack the village the villagers must use their pawa to win

by nilou water November 12, 2022


Stop watching tiktok trends and trying them on sonic.

Oni Adventure 2

by 64RetroGamer June 18, 2022


the sweetest best person ever, he is kind handsome, hot, funny and overall perfect. Everyone loves him because he deserves the best. Oni is a blessing to everyone.

girl 1- why is he so perfect
girl2- he is just oni

by muwiffff June 7, 2023


A really nis guy who tries to help his friends, only two of em, but fails eMpicly.

Oni, Aww Man

by HDDINNER September 24, 2019