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Nathaly Ortega

A person who sleeps a lot, likes to be with hers friends, sometimes good student but very lazy, likes to laugh out loud and not a friend with all the world, is very true with his childhood friends, and very difficult when deciding something, is a very special person, She loves animals and believes in things fictitious, reading could be one of hers hobbies like listening to music, and is a risk taker does not care that other people think of her, she's just herself, and very difficult to choose her true love, sometimes also is a very good person dancing, and is very extroverted and no one can change your perspective of some things or people.

That would be a Nathaly Ortega.

Es una persona que duerme mucho, le gusta estar con sus amig@s, a veces buena estudiante pero muy perezosa, le gusta reír a carcajadas y no es amiga de todo el mundo, es muy fiel con sus amistades de infancia, y muy difícil al momento de decidir algo, es una persona muy especial, le gustan los animales y creer en cosas ficticias, leer podría ser uno de sus hobbies al igual que escuchar música, y es una persona arriesgada no le importa que piensen las demás personas de ella, ella es solo ella misma, y muy difícil para elegir a su amor verdadero, también en algunas ocasiones es una muy buena persona bailando, y es muy extrovertida y nadie puede cambiar su perspectivas de algunas cosas o personas.

Así seria una Nathaly Ortega.


Nathaly Ortega do you like Wrecking Ball? -No, she is very ugly.

The next day Nathaly Ortega -I love Wrecking Ball why didn't you tell me before? She's very beautiful.


Nathaly te gusta Wrecking Ball ? -No, es muy fea.

Al otro día Nathaly Ortega -Amo Wrecking Ball porque no me habías dicho antes es muy hermosa.

by Who I Am ? September 30, 2013

rafael ortega

Boy what the hell boy get yo goofy ahh out of here with that terrible name

“You know Rafael Ortega? What a bad person am i right guys, LET IT DIE LET IT DIE LET IT SHRIVEL UP AND DIE

by A Rafael Ortega unenthusiast May 9, 2022

Marissa Ortega

100% an idiot. Takes real words and switches the letters around beyond understanding. Must explain her words in order for others to comprehend.

Person 1: S_ _ _ _ ari _ e
PERSON 2: Suphariee!

Everybody: Damn it Marissa Ortega

by Lilslug5921 June 17, 2018

jose ortega

two words short and and strong and most likely hangs out with a tall guy and a skinny dude

do u see that kid i think that's jose ortega

by the unknown 12321 September 6, 2019

Elehi Ortega

A boy who thinks he's handsome because............ yea

Hay que guapo estoy. I"m so handsome I am Elehi Ortega

by Elehi Ortega August 24, 2019


abby is one of the sweetest people you will ever meet. she has the best smile that lights up the whole room and everyone in it. she has the best sense of humor and will always make u laugh. abby is always fun and bubbly but when it comes down too it, she is always there and ready to put up a fight for u (fun fact.. abby punched a girl for me) abby is my fav friwnd 🧡

person 1 “who is that smoking hot babe over there??”
person 2 “oh that’s ABBY I. ORTEGA . she’s pretty sickalicous

by MTMP(swagger) October 13, 2023

Viviana Ortega

A one of a kind name. People named Viviana Ortega are very badass

Ex- I wish I could be like Viviana Ortega because she’s very badass and not many have this name like everyone else

by Theoneandonlydaddyyankee September 10, 2022