Source Code

Jenna Pov

Jenna is a very smelly bum bum! Jenna farts on people all the time...she is very stinky. Jenna is also a very quircky gal shes not like other girls and is one of the boys.

ew its jenna pov!
bro look its jenna pov shes so not radical!

by stinkfartsforever! February 2, 2022

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POV actor

a POV actor is an actor/ actress from TikTok that 'acts' to popular audios. I put acts in quotes because they don't actually have talent. they just lip sync and fake cry that correlates with a certain point of view.

"Wow! Did you see the new POV actor on TikTok? They can't actually act, but people hype them up too fucking much."

by abbio420 April 24, 2020

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Our pov

Ariana Grande discord server (best one :0)


1k + members

amazing (i mean it) staff


Did you hear our pov is hosting a nitro event!

I love our pov

The staff in our pov is AMAZING!!!!

by bels #1 an September 7, 2021

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floor pov

When you're bad at a video game and end up spectating others fom the death camera

"Kayneth, ur trash"
"David at least I'm not floor pov right now"

by Google Play Card December 25, 2022

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pak pov

Pak (Mr) Sweet's nickname.

Pak Pov is a gay father fucker.

by Darren Sweet November 1, 2004

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when someone (QA most frequently) looks at something without trust, suspiciously... like to find the truth you shouldn't trust anybody by the words

- Why does Gabi look so suspicious??

- Tsh-sh-sh! It is QA`s POV she is doing!

by AntonyTheHumble October 16, 2023

POV: You searched for this

You did

"POV: You searched for this for some reason."

by Noah Armon March 17, 2022

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