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A stupid racist word used too often in England. people usually use it when refering to asian people comeing from places like pakistan, india and bangladesh. you may also hear people saying paki shop. the word is mostly used in Britain, and some people here also ingnorantly use it for anyone with abit of a tan who does not look completley black such as a spanish or evan mixed race black and white person. People use the word in different ways, but its defenitely derogative.

ignorant person: i hate pakis.

by anonymous March 30, 2005

197๐Ÿ‘ 389๐Ÿ‘Ž


Paki actually means 'pure' and 'clean' in Urdu the country's main spoken language. Pakistan translates to the word 'Pureland'. Obviously racists don't realise this and somewhere down the line they have assumed it is them who have created the word/term during the so called 'paki bashing' period in the 80's when 1st generation south asians in the UK were targeted for racial abuse.
Native Pakistani people actually don't take offense to the word as explained above and also to the fact that similary it's like calling someone a Brit, Scot, Aussie, Yank, etc.., although some don't think it's a PC concept to do so.

You see the word is not the problem, it's the use of it, from whom and in which context.

What I will add is that I have noticed UK Asians of Pakistani origin calling each other 'paki' in a respectable 'brotherhood' manner. Like rappers use 'nigger' to each other (although that word runs deep into things best forgotten).

Racists both White and Black have had a backfire when trying to be racist to 2nd/3rd generation pakistani/bangladeshi/kashmiri origin asians, they've felt the wrath to the extent police on a national riot scale have to intervene to help them! I'm talking Oldham, Bradford, Lozzells (Birmingham) and others unmentioned where the perpetraters have had the media limelight to show paki/bangla/kash asians in bad light.

Calling someone a 'paki' on the street now is a laughable offence where I think the sting of the word has weened out. Other than that if you want to attract attention as a racist towards pak/bang/kash asians just go up to them and tell them your view and I'm sure they can find a bed for you in the nearest hospital.

paki = people assume kill intelligence

by Asif SQ September 8, 2007

239๐Ÿ‘ 481๐Ÿ‘Ž


the term 'paki' is racist except when pakistanis call themselves it between each other. the it is short for pakistanis. it can also mean the person is really cool.

a: OMGWTF that guy is amazing!
b: Yes he's a Paki!

A: I am from pakistan
B: Yay we are both Paki

a: Oi ya Paki
b: Fuck off or i'll bomb ya!

by MEizPAKI November 14, 2006

222๐Ÿ‘ 448๐Ÿ‘Ž


plural, noun, offensive. singular is "paki"

rude slang for Muslims. You shouldn't say it because it is offensive to most people.

Assholes will often discriminate against "pakis" because they accuse them of rape, theft, murder, etc... However, people that are racist to Muslims (or anyone for that matter) are dumbshits who think they are being sophisticated and important by calling their fellow humans "primitives" and "brown pieces of shit".

lets assume that the "pakis" guys name is "George":

Good guy: "hey dude we got the same score on this math test"
"George": "oh cool"
Asshole: "dude omg thats imposserable"
Good guy: "shut the fuck up asshole"
(Good guy and "George" high five )

Today I went to the grocery store to get some food and some douchebag called this other guy a "Paki". I kicked the douchebag in the balls. Then I continued to mind my own business, and i bought some 2% milk, some cookies, and a bag of chips.

by joeb360 April 7, 2011

67๐Ÿ‘ 129๐Ÿ‘Ž


all you lot dissin pakis need 2 get a life wen you dnt no wot your talking about. im paki and english so that shows that people from different cultures can get along. you people saying bad stuff about pakis are ignorant cos your the wanka's. me and my paki friends use this term and even people that aintt paki use it but it should only be used in a gd way not in a racist manner. so all you haters get an education before u start slagging off others cos you lot are probably the ones that dont go to school and are doing drugs and shit. and even if some pakis are bad you dont have to tar them all with the same brush because 1 person doesnt represent the whole population now does it! your only saying bad stuff about them because there better than you and they know it but they dont go around saying it unlike you lot who say your better when your not. and another thing, people saying pakis have big noses alnd all this rubbish whats that about, your just listening to the stereotypes with low mentalities i.e. you!!!!!! theres a lot of paki girls and guys out there that are drop dead gorgeous just the same as there are in other cultures so you cant go around saying all pakis are ugly. grow up or shut up!!!

stop dissin pakis just because there better than you and you know it!!!!

by pakis are great April 5, 2005

176๐Ÿ‘ 389๐Ÿ‘Ž


Describes a person genuinely from Pakistan.
NOT necessarily a racist word - like "bastard", it can be used legitimately.
I'm from Scotland,
I am Scottish,
I am a proud Scot!

I'm from Pakistan,
I am Pakistani,
I am a proud Paki!

Unfortunately this word has also been used to racially slur almost anyone of Asian or Middle-Eastern origin & this use should be discouraged.

My best friend's a Paki.

Or alternatively:
I don't really like Paki's.

The bags from Paki shops always smell of curry - is that because it's all they eat and do they wear wads of poly bags as bibs while they have their curried breakfast, lunch & dinner? or do they make their bags from recycled curry containers? - It's a mystery and true!!!!

by Jimmy Honest April 23, 2009

179๐Ÿ‘ 397๐Ÿ‘Ž


Acronym of the major Muslim groups which filled Pakistan after the Partition of India (1947). They are as follows: Pashtu, Afghan, Kurd, Indian. Thus "PAKI," thus "Pakistan."

The diversity of cultures which combined to form Pakistan has led to anyone who looks Pakistani or Indian being called a Paki.

by Col. Dr. April 23, 2006

172๐Ÿ‘ 389๐Ÿ‘Ž