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Girls und Panzer

nazi anime

That weeb: Have you watched Girls und Panzer yet?

by FlyingKP February 10, 2023

5👍 39👎

Panzer Dragoon Orta

A game that sounds gay.

Steve: That game looks gay.
Dave: I know.
Both: War games RULE!!!

by captain PEE PEE April 5, 2005

4👍 36👎

panzer selbstfahrlafette i für 7,62-cm-pak 36(r) auf fahrgestell panzerkampfwagen ii ausf. d1 und d2

This is a religion where they traditionally drive military Panzers and they worship a god named Sebor The Destroyer.

“What religion are you?”
“panzer selbstfahrlafette i für 7,62-cm-pak 36(r) auf fahrgestell panzerkampfwagen ii ausf. d1 und d2”

by I Am Mr. Yeet December 3, 2020

panzer chocolate

German name for amphetamines used by soldiers in tanks to stay awake for three days.

We stayed awake with panzer chocolate.

by aw_vw September 28, 2023


A very nice tank owned by those national socialist german guys

omg john! look theres a panzerkampfwagen there!!! omgggg

by waluigi the retarded retard July 18, 2022


Panzer is a german word for "tank".

A tank is an armored fighting vehicle that is often used in front-line ground combat.

If you are searching for this you probably are very into war or just finished watching "girls und panzer"

"Enemy ahead!!! Panzer Vor!"
"Nice tank! is that a Panzer IV?"

by cheyenne89134 March 14, 2021

Girls und Panzer

Girls und Panzer (GuP) is a cute girls doing cute things Anime about a sport called Sensha-dō (Way of tank). Sensha-dō is a girl's only sport where girls from highschools all around Japan fight in WW2 tank battles, no live ammunition is used (Thank God). Each highschool has it's own unique theme, ranging from No-No Germany to Australia.

Currently, GuP consists of 1 TV series, a 2 hour movie, 6 part theatrical series (4/6 movies released), 6 OVAs and 9 manga series.

GuP is hilarious as shit, so watch it right NOW. (I'm not trying to get you into joining a cult.)

Girls und Panzer was released in 2012, produced by Actas Inc.

by AdlerHidolf December 8, 2023