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Pelosi Republican

An elected Republican who honors their oath to defend the Constitution by to be willing to investigate a domestic terrorist attack on the Constitutional process of counting the electoral ballots.

Rep. Liz Cheney and Rep. Adam Kinzinger agreed to serve on the House Select Committee investigating the January 6th domestic terrorist attack on the Capitol, and were labeled "Pelosi republicans" by Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy.

by ILres July 29, 2021

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Pelosi Derangement Syndrome

The acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the statements -- nay -- the very existence of Nancy Pelosi.

Person A: "I may not agree with everything Nancy Pelosi says, but that domestic policy agenda she supports seems pretty good, doesn't it?"

Person B: "What?! Queen Pelossshhi?! She's bad for America! She's drunk on power! She supports corrupt politicians! She's a defeat-o-crat! Have you seen her nose? She's an obstructionist! Limiting debate on bills was proper THEN, but NOW it's just hateful partisanship! Did you see how she didn't stand during the SOTU address? She hates our troops! Forget about the minimum wage, health care, jobs... I don't need any of those! They're just tricks to help the terrorists win!"

Person A: "Wow, you have a serious case of Pelosi Derangement Syndrome."

by jmeckler- February 5, 2007

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The Pelosis are prolific stock traders

If a lot of people are doing the same (intelligent or not intelligent thing) at the ame time, why shouldn't I be able to do the same thing?

Mom: son stop treating and go do homework

Son: remembers. The pelosis are prolific stock traders. I'll be a truant and I'll become a criminal haha.

by Sexydimma January 26, 2023

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Author of "Insider Trading 101"

Insider trading made Nancy Pelosi a multi-millionaire

by Nathan Bedford Forrest IV October 1, 2022


When you buy a stock at the perfect moment every time because you cant miss.

My boy just Pelosi'd that stock.

by Em777 August 16, 2024


Verb - to act on insider knowledge of something for your personal gain.

Hey, I just found out that they are going to pass a law banning electric cars. Time to pelosi some Telsa shorts.

by John Doe K7 July 26, 2024

Panty Pelosi

When a girl is in her periods and is pissed drunk or sick and she shits her pants. The art work of shit and blood on her menstrual pad is call making a panty pelosi

Yesterday at the party, i could not hookup with anyone since i'm in my periods. So I started drinking a lot. I was so drunk at the end that a made a panty pelosi and threw it at the ceiling fan. What a night.

by TheSurveyor December 5, 2020