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plaster bombed

A term only used by Scotty Mac and only by Scotty mac. In his mind this means getting fucked up.

Scotty Mac: let's get plaster bombed
Everyone else: ...what dude
Scotty mac: lets get fucked up
Everyone: could of just said that

by Fatherdrew December 26, 2017

Plaster face

Plaster face is a female who has too much foundation makeup on her face you can't recognize the person. or A girl who hides her ugliness with foundation makeup.

"Look at this plaster face chick, she looks like she got a mask on!" " This girl is wearing too much makeup, she looks like a plaster face." "You know ugly girls put on the plaster face!"

by Willie T.664 January 20, 2023

Plastered drunk

Getting, am or was plastered is the act of drinking so much alcohol at a rate of which the body cannot excrete it quickly causing you to be plastered drunk. It’s basically being drunk from a high volume of alcohol at a fast rate beyond the point of being able to suppress signs of intoxication to the point of it being blatantly obvious that you’re drunk.

Examples of this are laughing hysterically with your friend because you just cut your foot open because you failed to catch the knife he threw then using that injury as an excuse to drink more to numb the pain because you’re plastered drunk. Another example is yelling at your neighbors or taking your clothes because you and you alone think it’s funny to do so in front of other people and even in worst cases twirling those clothing items in the air because your plastered drunk, or driving your car through your neighbors yard then getting out of that car and leaving it running in drive and leaving the door open only to fall over 3 steps later and blackout because you were plastered drunk, you started drinking and you did not stop. If you’re reading this your probably not plastered drunk. If you are trying to monkey fuck a cigarette the wrong way failing time after time then yelling at the cigarette telling that cigarette to “work with me god dammit!” you’re plastered drunk and you haven’t the slightest clue. Examples of things people say when their plastered drunk:- Ello govorner! -How does you’re toilet flush man? -Hey guys I think I left my phone on the roof hold on let me try to call it *pulls phone out of pocket*.

by Yourfavoritefuckbitch January 5, 2021

cody plaster

a guy who is so awsome, he has to be the biggest baller ever, but if you ever meet him, kick him in the sack, then become his best friend.....also a kid who looks like a douche fag with long hair

that dork over there so wishes he was a cody plaster

by goon_who_breaks_legs April 1, 2009

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Venetian Plaster

when a man ejaculates into his own hand and then paints it artfully on his partner's backside or face using a broad stroke, swiping motion. (think wax on wacks off)

That guy in Silence of the Lambs in the prison, when he threw his jiz at Clarice, he was the Jackson Pollock of Venetian Plaster.

by Red Box July 13, 2010

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Plaster Paint

Code word for 'masturbate' often used in hallways, near lockers, or when mothers are listening in to conversations.

Dude, my mom walked in on me while I was plaster painting last night!!!!

by Billy-Joe Lee Thorton February 18, 2004

2👍 1👎


When a women shits on mans dick while he masturbates.

That hoe gave me the corn-plaster.

by Chris Roy September 15, 2007

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