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prat hat

press on towel of the sanitary variety usually worn by young girls who don't really know what a good flood is.

Ah, poor little jodi was wearing her first prat hat and feeling so proud when the boys following shouted "oi you just dropped sumfink" "too late the flies are on it"
boys can be right bastards

by theWestHamfan December 10, 2003

17πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


an English term for a person who goes to private school and is pretentious about this fact. The rub is that they usually do not have to exhibit this type of behavior.

Jeremy is well educated but he is such a prat about this fact.

by vtw August 31, 2014

1πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

complete prat

Jamie-an idiot who acts in this manner all the time.

"You are such a complete prat!"

by esther November 24, 2003

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

spoiled rich-boy prat

A spoiled rich-boy prat is a guy who gets everything he wants, whose parents are wealthy, and who is arrogant, proud, and blond-haired.

My cadet roomie, Matt, thinks I'm a spoiled rich-boy prat -- dunno - maybe I am!

by USAF Cadet November 16, 2020

238πŸ‘ 340πŸ‘Ž

Drawer Of Prats

Collective term for prats referencing their favored nesting area The Prat Drawer.

Get in The Prat Drawer with the rest of the Drawer Of Prats you fucking Prat!

by DrSteeeve August 7, 2020

Pratted Up

When you have reached the level of drunkeness and there is no return.

Lets go out tonight and get Pratted Up.

by Renegade Masters August 17, 2010

Prat bag

An asshole who is also a PHAT idiot.

1:”Do you see Jake over there?”

2:”Yeah, he’s such a fucking prat bag. β€œ

by Fukpratbag May 18, 2019