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North View Primary School

Best primary school I know. Teachers are the best, always willing to help (except one or two), great at teaching too. Canteen food is not the best, but the noodles stall have the best food.

Teachers choose student leaders carefully and wisely (again, except for one or two) so that the best people are helping to lead the school. Prefects are chosen from all classes, even the foundation ones, which shows how the school focuses on student development more than academic results.

North View Primary School also has a very large indoor sports hall, MOE kindergarten, playground, and multiple sports courts. The facilities there are amazing. North View is always trying its best to provide the most for its students.

Person: Wow isn’t North View Primary School a great school to send my child?
Me: Yes! Your child will enjoy their time there at North View Primary School and receive top quality education.

by maggig0reng June 8, 2023

Casuarina Primary School

A Primary School in Singapore that has casuarinians and its legendary DP Mrs Mohsan.

Casuarina Primary School is a good school.

by Mathsucksnomatterwhatido April 23, 2022

wellington primary school

School with vapers #wannabeminahs #actcool


by your mother ifykyk August 23, 2021

rosneath primary school

The best school in existence

Yo we’re do u want to go to as a school?
Rosneath primary school

by Random anonymous March 10, 2021

kings heath primary school

a shitty school i went to which is full of twats and the teachers are sexist mr broad everyone hates you there is squashed peas on the floor of the PE room/lunch hall. we all go to queensbridge school search it up.

Kings heath primary school is bad.

by dasagne May 19, 2023

British primary school

The place where we had climbing walls in PE, plastic chairs, programmable moving bees, PE cones, TA's which once had bees in their house and they had an accent, the alphabet on the walls, "golden time", Star of the Week certificates, bookbags, wooden bench balance beam things, assembly, paper towels, star smileys, yellow plastic cups, pen licenses, colored plastic cabinets, staedtler noris pencils and the terms "floating" "bubbles" and other waterlike terms

*In a british primary school*
year 3: Miss, am i allowed to play with the year 6s?
Miss Tille: No, no mixing with other bubbles.
another year 3: What is this, the sea? I'm sick of "water words".
Miss Tille: ER!!! Five, four, three, two, one. *clap clap clapclap clap*
Class: *clap clap clapclap clap*
*A kid walks to get his book*
Miss Tille: No floating! Back to your seat!
Kid: But i was tr-
Miss Tille: SHH! No star smiley sticker for you.
Another kid: *programs bee to go into class 3*
Kid 3: Shoo bee!
Bee bot: meep beep
TA: reminds me of when bees buzzed in the chimney
*A kid programs bee to enter the library*

by ShhShhShh July 18, 2023

Loanhead primary school

a posh primary schooling's midlothian filled with wannabe you tubers and slags along with wannabe footballers and gangsta's

yeah I go to loanhead primary school, mans calm innit.

by yeeyeegirl9000000 August 7, 2019