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Propaganda Village

1. An idealized town, hamlet or village built solely for propaganda purposes -- usually by a totalitarian or autocratic government.

The most famous example is Kijลng-dong ("Peace Village"), a mostly uninhabited village located in North Korea just beyond the demilitarized zone. It was built in the 1950s to encourage South Koreans to defect to North Korea. (Fat chance.) Officially, Kijลng-dong is a 200-family collective farming town with all the amenities. In reality, it is used to house DPRK soldiers who patrol the DMZ. The world's tallest flagpole stands nearby.

2. A Propaganda Village is a real-life version of a "Potemkin Village." According to myth, Russian ministry Grigory Potyomkin tried to impress Empress Catherine II in 1787 during her visit to Crimea by building fake peasant buildings (facades only) along her travel route. Historians now believe this was a rumor drummed up by Potyomkin's enemies. What he really did was get local peasants to spruce up their homes in advance of the monarch's visit.

Let's go up to the DMZ to see that Propaganda Village -- my cousin in Chicago wants some photos!

by Peter Kobs June 8, 2010

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Rape Propaganda

Using rape or alleged rape to further a cause (MeToo, trans bathroom opposition, racism, etc.)

Rape propaganda is commonly used in politics, Hollywood, bathrooms, and social media.

by Udicjvnfiej November 10, 2021

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FOX Propaganda

The tireless effort taken by FOX network programming, which is done under the guise of "news," to make every conservative candidate of their choice appear more popular and politically-intelligent.

Conservative sham machine.

The network of the uneducated douche-bag led by a mentally defective televangelist, a fat-bodied hate-machine and a morning show with a douche who actually has a name befitting his network, Steve Doochey.

When a network substitutes "stock footage" to make an inferior political candidate's book-signing, such as Sarah Palin's, to appear much more populated than it was, that network, FOX, is engaged in FOX propaganda. The same applies to conservative "protests" on Washington DC.

When a network creates a "movement" out of thin air and then leads its lemmings into a public declaration of hatred, that network, FOX, has just committed FOX propaganda.

Any network that employees hate-spewing, violence-inducing maniacs such as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck or Bill O'Reilly is a network willing to whore itself out as FOX Propaganda.

by Fraud Exposer November 25, 2009

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Secondhand Propaganda

A person who doesn't watch Fox news or listen to Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, etc., but has friends and family who do, and believes the lies their family and friends pass on from those outlets, can suffer this affliction without ever knowing they've become infected.

In 2004, a democratic friend of mine told me she was voting for George W. Bush because John Kerry lied about his service and should have had a dishonorable release. I asked her if she had started listening to Rush Limbaugh and she was insulted that I would even ask the question.

She was suffering from Secondhand Propaganda and was completely unaware.

by storyfor60min January 16, 2011

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propaganda baby

A baby decked out in a particular sports team's merchandise. The propaganda baby is oftentimes dressed by the parents to help bolster support for their favorite teams. Propaganda babies are often found at stadiums, arenas, shopping malls, and sports gatherings around the world.

In rare cases, propaganda babies may also be used to bolster support for political campaigns or other non-sporting ventures.

Hey honey, check out that propaganda baby over there. Aren't his Redskins earmuffs, beanie, sweatshirt, sweatpants and socks just adorable?

by Kathleen Wu February 14, 2006

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catapult the propaganda

To promote acceptance of lies/damn lies/statistics, through repetition and assisted by the blind obedience and willful omissions of the lapdogs posing as "independent" media.

"See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda."
-President George W Bush, Greece, NY, May 24, 2005

by Darren Dirt June 8, 2005

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liberal propaganda

Liberal propaganda is the use of distorted media coverage, half truths, deceit, denial, and other means to promote certain ideas and beliefs. These philosophies may be related to or associated with politics, however Internet-culture loosely uses it as a synonym for fake news.

"Insert Idea here Is liberal propaganda! I will not stand for such dishonesty!"
"The local radio station was broadcastng liberal propaganda."

by Soul__ November 6, 2020

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