Quirkey twitch streamer cyr.
Nerdy girls got me quirked up
A small island where people of dark color eat the native growing watermelon and chicken. It's most famous for their gape juice waterfall where the residents of Tal-quirk-i-tehe drink from and bathe in.
I wonder if Tal-quirk-i-tehe would be a great place for a vacation? Nah there are way too many "Special residents" there so I couldn't possibly relax!
(n) - A fictional character whose primary character traits are centered on pop-culture idiosyncracies and internet slang of the 2000s, oft-paired with a surface-level "relatable" form of introversion. Often realized in a younger female role.
God, Asha from "Wish" ... is she... ?
Yeah, dude, she's a quirk chungus. Her entire character was designed for it.
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Bouncer walk that radiates the smiths
"My god, that guy's doing the Quirke Walk"
Jeffery quirk (aka) Mr quirk is the biggest hottie in the world. He is a player and a teacher. Although he may be a PEDO he is very sexy and very kissable.
A famliy member or really close lesbian friend. Or just lesbian that u know who eats dog food.
Paris Hilton was caught by poparazzi eating IAMS dog food,and she quoted"its yummyliscios now get out of my cave!!" reporters thought she was "high". Therefore Paris Hilton is a Finkle quirk
An eccentricity of someone that makes them antisocial.
His dork quirk is that he rocks back and forth in his chair when he's alone.