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a person who hates on another for not being/being a certain race. A way to make someone feel inferior to another.

Assholes, arrongant jerks, mean pricks, sick bastards

by Who The Douce Are You? April 20, 2005

941πŸ‘ 1056πŸ‘Ž


Load of crap from a cows asshole

for another use of racism,see Crap

by >>>>? October 17, 2007

1250πŸ‘ 1378πŸ‘Ž


The false belief that pigment count makes someone better than another.Also see Complete utter bullshit

Guy#1:I hate black people!
Guy#2:C'mon man thats no way to act.Racism is wrong

by Goodburger Employee July 19, 2010

1602πŸ‘ 1645πŸ‘Ž


Racism is when you judge or walk about someone’s race or color or anything’s color or race or make fun of names or culture

That’s racism

by YourBalls69 March 6, 2022

580πŸ‘ 606πŸ‘Ž


It's Stupid, we are all amazing so chill.

white, black, hispanic, asian, indian, arabic, does it matter? Racism is messed up, all of our races have done good and bad.

by Jersey Kid January 26, 2008

1101πŸ‘ 1185πŸ‘Ž


A touchy subject that should not be joked about or be on the urban dictionary

"Uh-oh I made a racism," said Ralph.

by Where the frogs February 25, 2017

68πŸ‘ 106πŸ‘Ž


A cancer that can be passed down between families and can kill quickly or slowly, causing more pain than the victim wants.

Also know as social AIDS.

John got killed because Dick was suffering from racism.

by Kiyoko-chan November 14, 2008

915πŸ‘ 1028πŸ‘Ž