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Reefer head

Another name for a pot head

My cousin got suspended because he's a reefer head

by LC in the ATL August 28, 2006

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reefer chief

A supplier of marijuana.

Man, I'm all outta hydro. Guess it's time to see the reefer chief.

by Steven May 19, 2005

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The Grin Reefer

The total stoner kid who's always high and smiling :)

(often come to school high)

Person 1: Did u see jake in class yesterday?
Person 2: No why?
Person 1: He was totally high
Person 2: Yeah he's definitely the grin reefer

by _The Grin Reefer181_ April 7, 2011

Reefer Cats

those who partake in the choicest herb, usually got supa fresh and supa icky, and they ain't stingy, they toke alot at once but are not stoners because stoners smoke alot over a long time, Reefer Cats have been known to put whole quarters of the choicest herb in the air in one sitting; they may be considered Chron Dons

Jehbles- "We're not potheads man...."
Tobles- "Naw man, I'll never be a pothead."
Jehbles- "...naw, we're Reefer Cats!"
Tobles- "yea... wait what's that?"
Glables- "We're that man."

by im glenjamin December 4, 2006

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reefer fever

When one has a craving for marijuana

"Man i got reefer fever, lets smoke"

by Randy Andy November 30, 2005

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Vagina Reefer

Late 20th Century; A form of cunninglingus, wherein one forms an "O" shape with his/her tongue in order to perform cunninglingus on a female to the point of orgasm, so that when the woman begins to get wet, the person performing cunninglingus can suck up all of the woman's cum into his/her mouth. This name comes from the shape of a joint, which contains marijuana, another word for it being "reefer".

1. "Last night he gave me the good ol' vagina reefer. It felt like a vacuum on my pussy!"
2. "Yeah, girlfriend, my man is like a Hoover vacuum with his vagina reefer!"

by Jessica McCormick June 14, 2004

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Reefer Bowl

Is a slang term used to describe Super Bowl XLVII between the Seattle Seahawks and the Denver Broncos due to the fact that both teams represented in the contest are from States that have legalized recreational marijuana.

Can you believe that both teams in this year's Super Bowl are from places where weed is legal?! They should rename it the Reefer Bowl!

by ScienceSeattle January 20, 2014