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riverside illinois

a small town where rich rids get praised for bullying people. And the rest are emo furries that attack everyone

riverside illinois sucks for the most part

by coolkidcentral199 May 13, 2022

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

riverside brookfield highschool

Crazy ass fucking school where people fuck shit up

Last year at homecoming they glued the doors to the school shut and released chickens in the school causing thousands of damage.

This year half the senior class including the homecoming queen were suspended at homecoming for drinking.

These kids know how to live it up

"Did you see the kids from riverside brookfield highschool?"
"No they're all suspended and have court dates"

by Softballislife96 January 8, 2015

27๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Riverside Community College

Located in the city of Riverside, California. RCC has total of three campuses, one in Moreno Valley, Norco, and the original campus in Riverside. The Riverside Campus was first opened in 1916. Their college team is horrible but has a good nursing program. Over half of the students here are just old unemployed workers trying to "start" fresh but only here to get Financial aid and the other population are also bunch of losers attending school just to get financial aid. There is also students that are here to learn but not many. The professors here average or above some are actually funny and helpful.

Conversation #1

Kim: WTF why is Dannisha screaming across campus for??

Andy: Because shes having a full blown conversation with Dontae and Ebony. Its just another day at Riverside Community College.

Conversation #2

Myle: RCC is so pack, its impossible to find parking! Hey thats Tyrone parking his car hes my lab partner but never attends class.

Andy: Yea Riverside community college is always pack. Don't worry towards the end semester most students will drop, usually after the last financial aid check is mailed home.

by nurse andrew November 23, 2009

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Riverside High School

An average public high school in Painesville Township, Ohio. Home of the Riverside Beavers. Known in Lake County for being the only high school to have five grades of students. (8th-12th.)

Recently sued by Oregon State for theft of their sports team logo.

All speak of "gangs" should be considered ridiculous banter as the so-called gangs are groups of poker playing 8th graders. Predecessors to which had names such as (In all seriousness.) "Ice Pick" and "Fire Shovel."

Person A: What school had a basketball player, with big ears, shove a Tang bottle into another guys ass? I think his name was Ricky...

Person B: Riverside High School...

by Dias Crimson April 21, 2006

38๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Riverside, new jersey

a little 1 square mile town. but within that town lies 7000 illegal immigrates and 3001 drugged out americans. i must honestly tell you this town is very diverse. it's has skin heads, wiggers, nerds, jocks. the high school is still thinks it's 10,000 B.C theres no technology. band geeks are the popular ones in this school jocks are losers. if you dont smoke cigarettes your an outcast. every girl in the town is a super slut. sure there are cool people because most of are chilled. but never come to riverside looking for a fight because no one fights clean. if you wanna get jumped come on in and act tough. the principal in high school does coke.

when you walk into riverside, new jersey you'll be think you walked into the twilight zone.

by Action Basterd January 31, 2010

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Riverside {South Memphis}

A neighborhood in South Memphis also known as "Da Riva" & "HomiSide"

If you dont know about Da Riva dont go to Da Riva because you will get drowned in Da Riva...most likely literally.

The area extends from South Parkway and Florida to Mallory and Riverside Blvd whick includes MLK Park.

Riverside streets include South Parkway, Riverside Blvd, Farrington, Rile, and Mallory just to name a few.

You dont just live in Riverside {South Memphis}you Survive it!

by Lady MzCoco July 30, 2009

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riverside stem academy

the best fukin school everyone is jealous of

-i love the riverside stem academy!
-hell yeah
- i thought it sucks
-the only thing that sucks is your mouth on my dick
-omf asdfghjkl

by luvyamomma1001 February 20, 2016

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