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life is roadblocks

a qoute said by dj kalheed

"remember life is roadblocks stay tuned for more,, dj kalheed

by the big fat rat November 14, 2023

life is roadblocks

life is roadblox real
used by dj khaled

dj khaled: Life is roadblocks

by 22222222SSA July 14, 2024

tube-sock roadblock

(n) Tacky street fair. Temporary pedestrian mall selling inexpensive items such as tube socks, lemonade, scarves, sunglasses such as to impede normal traffic. Crowded street fair that has nothing of worth to purchase.

I would have been here twenty minutes ago but I ran into a damn tube-sock roadblock!

This tube-sock roadblock is a terrible place to spend an afternoon.

by Benyaboy May 27, 2010

rollin roadblock

When big rigs are parallel on all lanes on an interstate, and no one can pass

what assholes, these semis are a rollin roadblock!

by wonafuneral September 29, 2023

Mormon Roadblock

When a large family or group of people obstructs a walkway or thoroughfare.

I tried to have a peaceful run this morning, but a Mormon roadblock prevented me from using the sidewalk.

by ChemiSPE August 26, 2021

Saskatchewan Roadblock

A roadblock in which drivers are stopped to verify that they are in fact under the influence of alcohol. Sober drivers are stopped, and must consume alcohol in order to proceed.

Named due to the fact that Saskatchewan ranks among the highest of Canadian provinces for instances of impaired driving.

At the entrance of my ranch is a Saskatchewan Roadblock. Drivers with a blood alcohol content of zero must take a shot of fireball in order to enter.

by MinMax123 July 12, 2022