to be under the influence of alchol massively, to be extremely drunk etc.
oi chris is steaming rog, dont give him another!
Eaaaaaaaaa eeeeeeeaaaaaaaaa neega bog neeeggga. Rog
It means an Asian Africa That eat nasty poopo booty everyday neega rog
Billy, be sure and pick up your Tog Rogs before your sleepover tonight.
Another word for a lil ugly bitch
You look a hog on a rog
rog means to abuse an item. The -oe suffix is a commonplace addition to a word if you need to make the word more triumphant.
"Cindy smashes carls remote control right in front of him and difiantly shouts 'Rog-oe!!!'"
“Solutia va rog” it s a form of adressation, usually followed by a swear. It all started to romanian tv shows in romania and it s a funny thing.
“Doamna Mihăiță Boss, care este solutia va rog? ”
“Soluția e.. sa-mi iei coaielen gura:)))))))”