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Bloody rubbish Mansfield

Popular refrain around football stadia in the Second Division of English football, as the yellow-clad dimwits concede yet another hilariously soft goal

hahahahahahahahaha, I can't believe they just did that, you're absolutely bloody rubbish Mansfield!!!

by Division Two April 1, 2003

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Excess Concert Rubbish

What's left on the ground after a concert. Usually after more hardcore or grindcore and metal concerts, after the mosh, & crowd surfing. Items inlude: Licences, Money, Keys, Broken phone parts, and pretty much everything inbetween. Usually though, it's trash & pointless stuff.

Person 1: "Dude look! I found this 1997 boyscout key chain after that Korn concert on the ground!"

Person 2: "Come on, dude, Put that down, it's just excess concert rubbish."

by Luci Smythe May 11, 2009

really fucking rubbish

A medical condition, this is where someone is unable to do simple tasks. This is a medical condition however, doctors usually tell sufferers of the disease to put their heads in a bucket of water and breathe in deeply, this always seems to do the trick.

Doctor; What's the matter with you?
Patient; I think I'm really fucking rubbish
Doctor; Oh dear, well take these lead weights and go deep sea diving with five attached to each of your feet.
Patient; Okay, thanks doctor

Jon; What's the matter with Gartside, he can't score
Jack; I think he may be really fucking rubbish, we may have to put him down
Jon; Oh okay then

by SiN- MATT TAYLOR BABY!!! May 28, 2006

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Hard-Rubbish Scouting

Enjoying searching for awesome finds in hard-rubbish with a friend on a Sunday afternoon. At times may be depressing if a particularly awesome item is in disrepair or does not fit in vehicle.

Richelle: 'Do you think that awesome (insert piece of furniture whilst hard-rubbish scouting) will fit in your car?'
Danielle: 'Ugh! I can't believe someone would throw that out! It's amazing! It'll fit in the car no problems!'
Richelle: 'Roarsome!'

by GeorgiaCatt November 4, 2009

kicked in rubbish tin

A person of distinctly ugly appearance. Really grotesque facial features. Often associated with fuglies

Yo, that dude's got a head like a kicked in rubbish tin

by Kool Kolino January 2, 2005

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take out the rubbish

to jerk off among the Hungarian niggas

I've just taken out the rubbish. I've just jerked off.
I take out the rubbish. I jerk off.

by 420Getrekt January 23, 2015

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Two Frogs In A Rubbish Bin

When you throw away 2 frogs in a trash can. And you’re friend starts crying.

Oops Two Frogs In A Rubbish Bin gone , sorry friend

by Two Frogs In a Rubbish Bin June 7, 2018