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Sarah Palin

Spawned February 11, 1964 when God himself came to earth and farted. This event is also known as the Immaculate Misconception.

Under orders from God, or possibly other voices, Sarah Palin has been spreading Immaculate Misconceptions throughout the world.

Sarah Palin's Immaculate Misconceptions include but are not limited to:
Claims that she is competent.
Claims that she is not corrupt.
Claims that she can see Russia from her backyard.
Claims that she reads the newspaper, and can, in fact read.
Claims that she can spot the US on a world map.
Claims that she could actually boost Dave Letterman's ratings.
The idea that she belongs on any TV program, besides Intervention.
Her children.

by theconcernedcitizen June 19, 2009

63๐Ÿ‘ 238๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sarah Palin

Pitbull in lipstick and a tight skirt! Sexy Showtime librarian lookalike and already a certified Republican truthteller...otherwise known as a BIG Liar.Yea Sarah how bout that bridge to nowhere...said "No Thanks"????Congress killed it but you still took the money...didn't ya sweetie?
Governor of the state of Alaska which has the highest taxes, most welfare recipients and the highest percentage of rape and incest. Go Moose!!!!

Sarah Palin is to the vice presidency what STD's and unwanted pregnancies are ...PREVENTABLE!


by Brainegal September 10, 2008

154๐Ÿ‘ 1130๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sarah Palin

Alaskan governess chosen by John McCain as his running mate for the 2008 U.S. Presidential election.

A former beauty queen and high-school basketball player which only up until a year-and-a-half ago was mayor of a town of 8,000. (Yet is somehow ready to become Vice-President of the free world. And to think that they criticize Barack Obama for inexperience.) Really chosen by McCain to sway cheap votes for him primarily because she's hawt.

Was in trouble in her own state due to abuse of power with legislative investigation underway due to allegations that she fired Alaska's public safety commissioner because he refused to fire her brother-in-law (a state trooper). Is Pro-Life, against same-sex marriage, anti-evolution, has no real idea of foreign policy or the economy.

She's still pretty hot, though.

"I've been so focused on state government, I haven't really focused much on the war in Iraq."

-- Sarah Palin on Iraq and foreign-policy, Alaskan Business Monthly.

"What is it exactly that the VP does every day?"

-- Sarah Palin on the Vice-President's responsibilities, to Larry Kudlow of CNBC's Kudlow & Co. In an other interview with Kudlow she considered herself a "long-shot" for the Vice-Presidency. Also stated that the veep job was "unproductive" in a different interview a month earlier.

by 200WingFilms August 31, 2008

90๐Ÿ‘ 8911๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sarah Palin


Boldfaced, shameless liar.

One who lacks integrity or self-respect.

Someone who doesn't believe in science or facts or evidence.


She said she opposed a bill that she infact had supported. She's such a Sarah Palin.

by A J' P September 10, 2008

853๐Ÿ‘ 18890๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sarah Palin

A mentally ill "politician" who doesn't understand why we've been in Korea for the last 50 years. Someone who FOX News hired as a political commentator that cant comment on politics unless it involves abortion, gay marriage, stem cells, terrorists or other dumb shit that gets the religious nuts all riled up. If her and McCain had won she would be a heartbeat away from being the leader of the free world because everyone knows McCains' old ass is about to keel over any minute. She does have one thing going for her though. Even though she's forty-something and has shit out four or five kids, she still looks really sexy.

Guy #1: Sarah Palin is useless.
Guy #2: No she's good for one thing. You can stick your penis in her mouth and shut her up. Teach her a lesson

by ???s upon ???s April 1, 2010

34๐Ÿ‘ 3367๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sarah Palin

A snarky woman who clawed her way to get the Republican nomination for Vice President during the 2008 presidential race. She got her 15 minutes by disregarding the best interests of her family and lying about her experience and qualifications. She earned a bachelor's degree in journalism through a scholarship that she won in a beauty contest in 1979, and she touts herself as qualified to hold the most powerful position in the free world. She opposes abortion (even in cases of rape) and still calls herself a feminist.

"Geez- that girl is so snide and hypocritical- I'm so glad I only have to be in a class with her for this one semester! She's a regular Sarah Palin!"

by collegemom September 6, 2008

84๐Ÿ‘ 617๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sarah Palin

MAVERICK; doesn't brand their cattle, nor follows rules (like all politicians), has a slutty, stupid pregnant teenager who doesn't understand where babies come from

Sarah Palin: Maaaaaaaaaverick!

by Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaverick January 12, 2009

52๐Ÿ‘ 196๐Ÿ‘Ž