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2.2 scenario

Whenever a game developer takes way longer than expected or originally promised for the release of an update to a game, usually due to the constant addition of new ideas

Geometry dash 2.2's development time is a prime example of a 2.2 scenario

by Maxifire32 May 6, 2024

Bootleg Scenario

The medical anomaly that occours when a male patient with a dislocated leg has his leg relocated, and one or more of the testicles becomes snagged in between the femur and the pelvis causing intense pain.

A man in the ER was screaming for several hours after being stuck in a bootleg scenario.

by VeniVidiVici75 January 2, 2011

worst case scenarioism

Health anxiety created by googling your symptoms, ignoring page after page of reassuring data, then reading one line saying you'll be dead in 10 days with undiagnosed cancer, on websites such as "wrong-diagnosis-dot-com" or such like.

Mike, suffered a severe attack of "worst case scenarioism" characterized by: fear of imminent death, facing difficult music choices for his funeral, and excessive will writing.

The attack came on very suddenly as a result of googling his haemorrhoid symptoms.

by DoctorAndy June 23, 2021

Coffee Scenario

When somebody really irritates you but you act really nice to them anyway, just to be polite. But then one day, you have a cup of coffee and get all hyped up and yell at them like there's no tomorrow. After that, you've burnt the bridge and you're dancing on the embers.

Danielle: Oh jesus, he sounds so annoying
Emily: I know right, but then I flipped out and it was a total coffee scenario. I feel so much better now.

by PleaseJustGoHome March 3, 2011


A wholesale setting, in particular for a work of art or literature. Often described in great detail to set the corn that is forthcoming.

The scenario is, I get bashed in the head.

by NiggaPooh August 10, 2021