Colloquial english for those who can't speak english properly.
I speak slang, because I'm a teenager and I'm trying to be cool.
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Ali G language, or similars :D
Ali G in DA house
Wazza mazza fackaaa
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Short language for short language... interesting, eh?
Slang schmlang, i just say short language!
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A term coined by popular micro niche internet celebrity YamiiSwann.
Slang means to present something in an unorderly fashion. If you were to slang something, it means you are showing something that shouldn't be shown in the context. For example, alcohol at a school, public indecency, smoking in a non smoking area etc.
YamiiSwann: What is Your Deepest Darkest Secret?
Da_boiler: I showed my dick to my homeboys in a public setting
YamiiSwann: What the fuck nigga? You slanged dick to yo homeboys? NAHHHHH THIS NIGGA HOMO.
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What this whole website is based around
Robert;"That's lit do, that's what slang is mark"
Mark; "oh okay, I'm going on urban dictionary to learn some slang"
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Something like, but not correct
I use slang words to my friends
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Jargon, used playfully to prevent outsiders from intercepting the actual meaning. It is a contraction for "slandering", whereby colloqial words with meanings unknown to the one being slandered (but known to other people). This prevented legal action or apologies. It also allowed someone to insult an authority figure to his face without suffering punishment for it.
I don't use a great deal of modern day slang in my speech, but we all use slang created by shakespeare, eh?
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