basically ''Sonic The Hedgehog Hair'' means when you go into school and then your hair looks like sonic.
and then youre embarrased beacuse your teacher said you have sonic hair and every kid in the planet is laughing.
person 1: hey you got Sonic The Hedgehog Hair.
every kid on earth: hAhAhAhA
me: i am going to dismantle you
Sonic the Hedgehog turns into a muder mystery on a train. Also Sonic dies.
Ben: "Have you played The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog? It's free on Steam!"
Joey: "Yeah. I can't Sonic dies."
Person 1: Yo did you see Sonic over there
Sonic: *appears behind him*
Person 1: runs away in fear
Person 2: stands there with Sonic wondering what his problem was.
Sonic The Hedgehog is what you call a blue hedgehog that runs faster than the speed of sound he also collects big golden rings
The game where it all began
Is it the mega drive version or is it the 06 version?
Sonic the Hedgehog, blue hedgehog, is fast, can run, can go through loops, can jump, can look down, can... em... y'know, fun
"bro sonic the hedgehog is so cool and fast, buy team sonic racing in stores now for $39.99."
The act of a person gripping their testicles so hard that they begin to turn blue. As soon as this happens, they must jerk off as fast as humanly possible. Last, at the moment of climax they must shout " GOTTA GO FAST!"
Jimmy was walking back to his dorm after a long day of classes. He opens his room door to see his roommate, Brody, butt ass naked will one hand gripping his walnuts and the other pumping his cock faster than the blue blur himself. In the midst of Jimmy's horror, Brody screams " GOTTA GO FAST!"
Brody turns, his satisfied smiles turns into a face of pure horror.
" What the fuck were you doing?" asked Jimmy.
" Sorry man, I was trying to Sonic the Hedgehog."
Sonic the Hedgehog's a bitch-ass motherfucker. He pissed on my fucking wife. That's right. He took his hedgehog fuckin' quilly dick out and he pissed on my FUCKING wife, and he said his dick was THIS BIG, and I said that's disgusting. So I'm making a callout post on my Sonic the Hedgehog, you got a small dick. It's the size of this walnut except WAY smaller. And guess what? Here's what my dong looks like. That's right, baby. Tall points, no quills, no pillows, look at that, it looks like two balls and a bong. He fucked my wife, so guess what, I'm gonna fuck the earth. That's right, this is what you get! My SUPER LASER PISS! Except I'm not gonna piss on the earth. I'm gonna go higher. I'm pissing on the MOOOON! How do you like that, OBAMA? I PISSED ON THE MOON, YOU IDIOT! You have twenty-three hours before the piss DROPLETS hit the fucking earth, now get out of my fucking sight before I piss on you too!
Sonic the hedgehog is a BITCHASS motherfucker