To say the truth about something, or to be honest and stop lying.
Ibrahem Idres: have you heard about Jonala's news?
Ibrahem Rashed: No I haven't, spill the tea man.
“Spill the tea” started from TikTok. A user started this trend by saying a story time. In the beginning she put her straw in the cup, shake the cup, said here’s the “Here’s the ; tap tap; mother freakin; tap tap ( << yk if yk) tea. Then sips her drink and tells the story
Me: “spill the tea sis” you have to tell me what happened
Friend: Fine, ... Spill the Tea
To gossip or tell of the exciting news that you obtained from someone or somewhere. Deriving from drag culture, can also be used as to derive from "tea time" in which one usually gossips.
"You wanna hear about Cathy's new secretly closeted boyfriend?"
"OMG! Yes girl! Spill the tea!!!"
Spilling tea means telling secrets of others in gen-z language.
This girl is really spilling tea right now