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ball til ya fall

To make money until you can't make anymore

You need to move out of that raggedy ass house, you need to ball til ya fall

by GB Masta January 23, 2008

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Ball 'til you Fall

Snoop Dogg's TV show Explained that "Ball til you Fall" is when you, in life, do what you need to do to get your dough or money. Similar words would be Hustle.

Im gonna Ball 'til you Fall So That I Land On The Top..
Fabulous- "Ball Till You Fall"

by PhilaBoy May 22, 2008

33👍 16👎

ten minutes 'til ten

Generally refers to hair length; a woman with very short hair.

That bitch's hair was as short as ten minutes 'til ten.

by Hoobaju October 8, 2003

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suck it 'til it's white

To suck a Latinas pussy so long and hard that it turns white.

Numero tres! What da fuck was numero tres? Oh yeah, one of you needs to get over here and suck my pussy! Suck it 'til it's white!

by Soy capitan November 8, 2013

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Velkommen Til Kanal Dingo

(1) A person can go in a kebab store owned by tough looking immigrants and say ¨Velkommen Til Kanal Dingo!¨and he will get trucked and fucking killed.

(2) It can also be used while playing bowling or poker. If a person says the magic words he will no matter what instantly win the game.

(3) And finally if you comment these words on a girls or boys instagram post, it means that you dont like horses.

(1) *walks in a kebabstore* ¨whats up you fucking paki! VELKOMMEN TIL KANAL DINGO!¨ ¨what did u say u tuna?!¨ me: *gets trucked and put into an old honda civic where a gun is put to my head* Paki: * pulls the trigger right in front of McDonalds* Me: *dies*

(2) *Me and my friend Theo walks into a bowling alley* *Theo is winning by 42069666 points* Theo: ¨looks like im going to win you fat fuck¨ Me: ¨i dont think so dood¨ Theo: ¨there is no way you can win¨ Me: well yes there is VELKOMMEN TIL KANAL DINGO!¨ Theo: ¨fuck you¨ Theo: *kills me brutally and eats my left lung after*

(3) My girlfriend who loves horses more than she loves me: *uploads a pic to her instagramprofile* Me: *comments* ¨you look amazing babe but VELKOMMEN TIL KANAL DINGO¨ My girlfriend: ¨why the fuck would you comment that?!¨ Me: ¨because i fucking hate horses you fat beaver, i hope you still lick my penis when i come home¨ My girlfriend: *sucks my peepee and bites it off and feed it to her son a of a bitch horse*

by KanalDingo May 13, 2019

Play 'til you win

A patronizing remark to others' misfortune; c'est la vie.

"I just failed three classes and I'm not so hot with the ladies."

"Play 'til you win, Dude."

by Virgil234 March 29, 2006

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party til you puke

Generally used as an exclamatory phrase, urging the person hearing it to revel in the moment and enjoy themselves as much as possible.

Patty: "Wow man, this is fun!"
Laura: "Whoo-hoo, party til you puke!"

by mellowcheddar August 18, 2007

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