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Former TSM Toplaner Dyrus

Man, what Dyrus did to qt and Dignitas really made him a Backstabber.

by BackyardBooster February 18, 2017


a backstabber is a ' so called best friend ' that look and act nice and kind firstly, just as you did something she/he/they dont like, youre fucked. they would betray you. expose all your secrets to the world. they dont give a FUCK. they wanted revenge and satisfy their feelings. who knows, maybe they already planned to backstab you from the beginning?

backstabbing is similar to backstabber, but backstabbing is an action and backstabber is a person. backstabbing can happen to anyone, anytime. no matter if that person is bad or good, it'll still happen. it happens to toxic co- workers, students or classmates, strangers and etc...

backstabbing have many different wyas to. example : talking bad. it can happen in front of the victim, secretly and more ways. playing victim.

i advice you to not, like seriously NOT. tell any secrets to anyone. but it's your choice whether you want to tell or not. because, your life isn't my life. i'm just an urban dictionary user. i'm not God who can adjust your life.

backstabbers are a piece of SHIT.

farewell~ hope you have a great day.

a backstabber is a ' so called best friend ' that look and act nice and kind firstly, just as you did something she/he/they dont like, youre fucked. they would betray you. expose all your secrets to the world. they dont give a FUCK. they wanted revenge and satisfy their feelings. who knows, maybe they already planned to backstab you from the beginning?

backstabbing is similar to backstabber, but backstabbing is an action and backstabber is a person. backstabbing can happen to anyone, anytime. no matter if that person is bad or good, it'll still happen. it happens to toxic co- workers, students or classmates, strangers and etc...

backstabbing have many different wyas to. example : talking bad. it can happen in front of the victim, secretly and more ways. playing victim.

i advice you to not, like seriously NOT. tell any secrets to anyone. but it's your choice whether you want to tell or not. because, your life isn't my life. i'm just an urban dictionary user. i'm not God who can adjust your life.

backstabbers are a piece of SHIT.

farewell~ hope you have a great day.

by kailobesejeu July 8, 2022