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The creator of the land we here stand on and take for granite; the reason why we are here. The meaning of life and happiness.

Son, if you don’t bow down to Chungus we’re going to have issues.

by CozyCaleb March 8, 2019

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Chungus is a word known to describe people on the fatter side who sit on sandwiches in the dark, but it is more commonly known as b i g chungus. With his smirk garunteed to win a girls heart and eyes with a devilish glint, boys r advised to hide their girls when chungus comes to town.

Chungus: chungus chungus chungus chungus chungus chungus chungus chungus BIG chungus chungus chungus

by yeehaw_5678 February 12, 2019

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A religious belief of the big chungus

Hey man want to join us after school to learn about big chungus

by Jesus Jesus Dawg January 7, 2019

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Chungus is a bug fat bunny who lives underground and eats carrots 24/7

Chungus is thicc As fuck

by ChronicToast21 January 12, 2019

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A fat version of buggs bunny widely used over forms of social media

I want to penetrate Big Chungus

by 123890567 January 7, 2019

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another word for hell

What the hell?!?!?!?

What the chungus?!?!?!?

by benda and evman August 1, 2008

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Another Word fucking god

This one time I was walking to my friend's house and I saw a group of feminists protesting and as I walked by them I accidentally breathed! But for some reason, I wasn't accused of sexual assault, and I thought to myself, "holy shit man, I must be chungus." Well, soon I did get in trouble, the police just came late. So I'm not chungus and I have court tomorrow yipee. And the jury is all women so Im fucked.

by yeetskrtdabgay January 7, 2019

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