a prostitute that doesn't shave... anything
Bob: I fucked a deer rental last nite
Jose: EW!
A slang term for a marijuana cigarette. Often used during hunting in the Bruce county of Ontario to attract deer who have a scent for the sticky-icky.
Roll me up a few loose deer whistles would ya? I'm going after that fucker I hit with my car
Saying created by Joe Zieja, voice actor of Claude from Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Since Claude is the house leader of the Golden Deer, Zieja says "Fear the Deer" in reference to his character's house.
May also reference the catchphrase of the sports team the Milwaukee Bucks.
Mark Whitten: "I chose the Black Eagles in Three Houses."
Joe Zieja: "You should fear the deer."
Red deer is a small city between Calgary and Edmonton, a dangerous street ass place to live. 5th most dangerous city in canada. primarily populated by drug dealers and crack addicts. The police don’t do shit in red deer. Home to two shitty high schools and a huge overdose rate.
Other names for red deer are Dead deer and shred deer
Bob yo dude I saw a dude tweaking out next to the 711 downtown!
Daniel no shit it’s red deer
64👍 9👎
That girl is wearing pants letting her deer knuckle show.
Midwestern for: I love you
Him: "Heading back from the cabin, see you in 3 hours"... Her: "Watch for deer..."
after fucking so long and so hard, and it was so good,when you have to get up to go get a snack and you walk around the room like a newborn deer.
man,the other night I picked up this chick at the bar,we fucked so long I got deer legs!