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A person who likes to rage.

Adrian: There goes that douche bag Edward

by Chief Poundmaker April 18, 2018

36πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


Someone (usually a guy) that is so utterly fantastic and so close to perfection, inside and out, that he can be compared to no one else besides the fabulous Edward Cullen from Twilight.

Look at that boy, he's so Edward! Get a look at those cheekbones, and those eyes!

by Holli Renee January 7, 2008

2764πŸ‘ 2278πŸ‘Ž


ablino crackhead with lime diease, has the smile of a rapist and should get a new weave

Bella:Edward wont do me... waahh!!!
Alice:Who gives a shit?
Bella:BITE ME!!
Alice: i eat you.

by Ruthhii. May 26, 2009

731πŸ‘ 596πŸ‘Ž


the love of my life. a loving and caring person. a protector of all. always there no matter what. very understanding

edward: i love you with all my heart and soul love

by hmm323 July 18, 2010

67πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž



Edward S.

by Hdhfjdhdjnfjdhfmnsjfksnfjjgbfj November 20, 2013

10πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Edward is one of the coolest guy's you will ever meet. He is nice, kind, caring, sweet, loving, and cute. If you ever Meet him be prepared though because he is a dorkish nerd and acts a bit wierd at times but only because he is so sure of his sexuallity he dosnt need care if people think he is gay, but its ok because he is good enough to get any girl, but is often to shy to ask them out.

Person 1: Hey have you met Edward?
Person 2: No i havnt he seems like a fag...
P1: Well he is not he just act's a bit wierd...

Rich: Hey Edward did you know that she likes you?
Edward: Yeah im just to shy to ask her out...
Rich: Go for it bro!

by The Man with no Name. March 2, 2010

683πŸ‘ 639πŸ‘Ž


He is guy who usally is nervous or shy around other people because he thinks he’ll get embarrassed but he’s usally a nice,funny,loving ,good looking person EDWADS CAN ASLO BE VERY COCKY

Edwards has such a warm heart

by By Faii November 9, 2018

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž