Basic white girl. Loves Jesus but also loves sexy time. Durf queen. Will probably play you. Thinks the sun and moon are the same thing. Sugar boobs. Has a hickey somewhere on her body at all times. Looking for a husband but can’t stop hoeing around. Gets offended when someone talks about her tits but she loves to show them off.
Damn Grace Hamlet has some tits
An illness where one is in state of being like Hamlet around Christmas time. Common symptoms of Holiday Hamlet include going insane, accidentally killing an old guy with a cane, or killing your uncle aka father. One easy way to spot someone with a case of Holiday Hamlet is if they are incessantly spouting the "To be or not to be" monologue
"To be or not to be" said Chloe.
Tanir responded to her, "You must have Holiday Hamlet! Quick, we need to go to the hospital."
When your gap-toothed friend punches a cowgirl in the ovaries to break the eggs, inserts the necessary ingredients for a bacon omelette, folds her over, and let's it simmer for 90 seconds on high.
Torrey- "how was your date last night"
Lucas- "It was pretty good, I gave her a Montana Hamlet. She loved it, other than the undercooked bacon"
Hamlet, incorporated on February 9, 1897, has always been a railroad town with five spurs radiating from the town to Richmond, Wilmington
Hamlet Railroad Radio: I want everyone to know that Hamlet maybe another small town with nothing going on, but the rail traffic is large and in charge!
To poision someone. Probably mostly used as a Boomer joke
Bro 1: Yo bro pay attention that guy put a Hamlet in your drink
Bro 2: Sick man i hope its the good shit
Bro 1: yeet