john: hey you wanna come down to philadelphia with me?
fred: hell kno i dont wanna go to africa.
40๐ 49๐
The second largest city in the North-eastern United States (behind New York City). Although culturally we are also behind Boston and Washington DC.
Cons: Blight and urban decay. Horrible infrastructure, underdeveloped public transit system. NASTY subways, litter, double parking, raggedy streets. Clean streets at 5am and a mess by noon! Graffiti, public urination... It's as if the City residents say "WE DON'T LIKE NICE THINGS IN OUR NEIGHBORHOODS!" Too many residents are proud of being ghetto and stupid. People rarely renovate their properties. Our schools were built in the early 20th Century. Ugly downtown, low-class mall (The Gallery) and Chinatown always smells of rotten meat. We have a LOT of dollar stores and abandoned properties in our DOWNTOWN! Our City's population is generally older, poorer, and less educated than other large cities. There are a few pockets that attract young people like Fairmount, Northern Liberties, University City, and Queen Village but they are so small and exclusive that they are vastly overpriced and many of those neighbourhoods are within walking distance of a local GHETTO!
Pros: Crime seems to be steadily declining. We have GREAT hospitals and Universities! The City attracts students from all over who obtain a higher education here but few stay upon graduation. People who succeed often flock to our suburbs where they ostracize the city and be pretentious.
Outsider: Why does Philadelphia have such a negative reputation?
Philadelphian: We have a "Crown Fried Chicken" in our downtown.
Outsider: But I thought "Crown Fried Chicken" was only found in city slums?
Philadelphian: This is Philadelphia, our downtown is a slum, too!
32๐ 38๐
A place for hobos, the poor, homeless, crack heads, and the home of a city that can't win championships in any major sport especially football.
I don't have any money and need a cheap place to live where I can live in fear of my life regardless of what part of the city i'm in and be surrounded by a population of ignorant, uneducated simpletons. I know I'll move to Philadelphia!
34๐ 42๐
Of or pertaining to the city that is the thorn on the side of New York City.
"Damnit, the eagles beat the Giants. Now the Giants wont make it to the superbowl"
"What did you expect? They're from Philadelphia."
30๐ 36๐
This city's got big buildings, I like the food, people talk funny; bye.
Hope you like my postcard, Mom.
60๐ 83๐
A valley of humility between two mountains of conceit New York and Washington.
Some people say North Carolina is very Philadelphia, with the mountains of conceit being Virginia and South Carolina.
56๐ 77๐ of Brothers on Drugs. I hate Philly. It's dirty, it smells, the people can't drive, are completely unfriendly, have the most juvinile, obnoxious sports fans, the roadway system sucks, the eagles suck, the flyers suck, the sixers suck, the phillies suck, I suck for having to live here, I'm too depressed to continue. Everyone in Philly should shove a pencil in their eye to try and forget about the pain of having to live there. I've lived here for 2 years and absolutely hate it. If it wasn't for my job, I'd move somewhere that didn't suck like Pittsburgh. At least they have one sports team that doesn't blow.
"Wow, that guy's an a-hole. Yeah, must be from Philadelphia." Or, "Wow, that girl's really a whore. Yeah, she's from Philly."
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