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Abbreviation for sugammadex, the reversal agent for aminosteroid-induced neuromuscular blockade.

Doc: bruh TOF count 0
RN: how much sug u want
Doc: Yes
RN: ...
Doc: three vials
RN: *hands them over* FR? it's exy
Doc: YOLO *gives all three*

by mr anonymous January 17, 2024


A derogatory term for gay men. An acronym for "stupid ugly gays".

Bruce: How was the bathhouse tonight?
Basil: Lame. Just a bunch of sugs.

by Sugz4dayz April 15, 2022


Verb - to lay down a substance, often paired with caulk or grout, but can be used with just about anything.

That guy sugged caulk right underneath my sink! Fixed it right up!

You know, I got a guy who put up a new bathroom for me; he was great at sugging caulk!

by pydizzle November 27, 2018


It’s another word for suck

Guy: yo girl sug my peen
Girl: ok, you seem pretty cool
Guy: Hell yeah

by GHTNRS KJM January 20, 2019


When you try to type "Suh" but accidentally type sug and look like a dumbass for insisting that it's a word


... dumbass

by Lil banan February 20, 2018


straight up gangsta!


Those shoes are sug.

by carioca February 1, 2007


a person that is addicted to sugar.

I don't want to see a sug-addict again.

by Why@? March 18, 2021