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The government's portrayal of Muslims so they can convince their people that they need constant protection. This is needed to justify making a ton of weapons and starting wars which make up a huge portion of our country's GDP and make some very rich and powerful people a more rich and powerful. This is also needed to justify invasion of privacy beyond that of any other group in the history of the world.

Also popularly used as a synonym for Muslim, or as an analogy to anyone a political party wants to rag on.

Derrick Jensen: History's heretic is yesterday's communist is today's heretic

Average American: The terrorists need to get deported before they blow up my house!

by Batmanhimself April 7, 2011

41๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž


Under the narrowly defined sense used by the US (and allies of the US that benefit from the narrow definition) it's anyone who stands up for his/her rights against hegemonic interests or the use of resources for non multinational corporate interests. For the rest of the population of this planet, the US (and allies of the US that benefit from the narrow definition given above).

So Palestinian acts of violence are terrorist acts, but taking land away from an indigenous, innocent third-party and then treating people like dogs under a brutal occupation for years is not terrorizing?

The best way for the US to stop terrorism is to stop its overwhelming participation in committing terrorist acts.

by Angry Man/Woman of Color March 15, 2008

89๐Ÿ‘ 132๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person of any race or nationality that:
-uses the fear and/or death of civilians for political gain.
-is too immature and selfish to try and make a positive impact on society.
-uses their religion/background/ethnicity as an excuse to justify their blind hate
-is coerced into thinking it is ok to hurt others to get what they want
-beheads civilians when their fellow terrorists are fed and provided with a mat to pray on,a kuran, and food and drink
-fights the public because they are too cowardly to fight the government they wish to change

1. If we terrorists hijack this bus full of civilians who don't even know we exist we can get our way when the government decides to do xyz.
2. Hi, I am a terrorist and I don't care how anyone else feels so I am going to use violence against people who have no idea what I'm fighting for so I can get my way.
3. Hello, I am a (KKK member, muslim extremist, intolerant bastard) and because of this I am entitled to maim/ rape/ murder/ behead/ lynch/ burn/ torture whomever I wish
4. Howdy, Hackmir al' Wypeshisbutt said we should hate Americans (even though the only reason we are able to sustain ourselves is because of the food they send us) so therefore anyone of that nationality (no matter their view or background) must die and be cleansed from the earth (and let us starve to death because the only thing we have to eat is sand.
5. Hello I am a terrorist. My buddy Al Goah Fuqamysef is being held in an American prison for an indefinite amount of time while being fed, given a quran, and a mat to pray on. Because I don't like the fact that my terrorist friend must be interrogated I am going to capture some random people who are entirely neutral and behead them and send tapes to the families.
6. Hi I'm a terrorist and I am too cowardly to fight a foreign military (even though we fight like "lions and tigers and bears oh my") so therefore I am going to make a bomb and blow up people WHO DONT GIVE A FUCKING SHIT whether some foreign fucks want an extra .02 km in their border
7. Hello I provide money and safe harbor to people who intentionally kill innocents on a daily basis... but I'm not a terrorist nation....

by Jonathan12345 September 12, 2006

123๐Ÿ‘ 193๐Ÿ‘Ž


A terrorist is today's scapegoat. Just like the Communists were in the Cold War era, and the savages at the time of the colonization of the Americas.

People's view of Terrorists is no different then the view people in America had of Communism in the Cold War.

by Part Ridge October 12, 2007

63๐Ÿ‘ 93๐Ÿ‘Ž


One mans murderer of innocent people is another mans murderer of innocent people

One mans murderer of innocent people is another mans murderer of innocent people.

by Bob4653241245235 December 1, 2005

56๐Ÿ‘ 82๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most miss/overused and politically incorrect word in the English language. The word terrorist is used by media and politicians to create fear and convince people to follow their agendas. George W. Bush uses the words terrorist/terrorism in almost every one of his speeches but has never actually defined what they mean he just uses them because he knows how much fear they will inspire.

By widely accepted idea of what terrorism is, George W. Bush and Osama Bin Laden are both terrorists.

George W. Bush and Osama Bin Ladenare both terrorists

by none of yours! November 5, 2009

57๐Ÿ‘ 88๐Ÿ‘Ž



Man#1:They try to rule over the world.
Man#1:Their goverment was ment to hold us back, using ignorence, drugs and sneak attack

by SinSki da King December 11, 2008

46๐Ÿ‘ 72๐Ÿ‘Ž