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Chocolate yonis

A weiner whothinks he goes extremely hard, with a high pitched laugh, he is known as chocolate bear to Trevin

Hey Chocolate yonis

by lsgjghlkfd April 29, 2011


A prestigious nickname for a long time member of Y.O.N.E.T. Big Mexican/Italian fellar that hates to eat and lift. Commonly will have tribal tattoos and cornrows.

“What’s up YONY, you get some new converses?”

by Brenyan Bolson April 25, 2023


public chair

yony for everyone. he a public chair lmfao

by asukaswain July 7, 2021


Tuby kid.

Hey, why is yony so tuby

by April 16, 2022

Back yoni

Asshole, bussy, thumb button

That back yoni is a bonus.

by Old saint nip October 22, 2022

glistening yoni

Noun: Well lubricated female enjoying the sun on her private parts.

“Daaang The sun shining on your yoni really looks amazing- it glistening - may I take a picture?” “Glistening Yoni

by BJV - SF May 28, 2024

Yoni Young

Holder Of Child Porn

You heard about Yoni Young? Ya, he sold that to me.

by BAR69696969 March 16, 2022