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Why? i don't understand, surely these people must know they look like complete and utter twats. I mean can someone really dress like a retarded charity shop and expect people to accept them as they are...whats up with that. Any way i just have to say that one day i might decide to make things more interesting in life and go on a chav killing spree with a flamethrower and a staple gun.

Mr Green: lets go beat the shit out of that fucking chav!

Mr Blue: ok, but i get to use the sulphuric acid.

Mr Green: sure thing, i want to scalp him this time.

by luke xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx January 26, 2006

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chav actually stands for council house and violent.
they tend to be quite thick and self-obsessed and use their own made-up words such as blud or merc

chav: what ya lookin at blud?
emo: nothing good
chav:come say it to my face, i'll merc ya
*emo walks over*
*chav runs away to his benefit paid rented flat, and gets high*

by TheEmoOne August 28, 2008

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Chav stands for : Council House And Violence - C.H.A.V

a term describing, a British version of what americans would called trailer trash. most commonly seen in full adidas sports tracksuits, and caps. Chavs also commonly wear, fake designer brands and therefore taint the image of these labels, e.g. Burberry Caps.

Notorious for petty crime, and domestic drug use - of course a massive generalization.

Alan 'Oi Dave, was you with them Chavs last week'

Dave 'Me! Hangings out with Chavs?! Fuck off mate! And anyway, i'm too fuckin busy with them shifts at Maccy D's'

Alan 'Yeh fairplay mate, ha, you a fuckin Chav never... Now pass me that wrench, this car's gotta stereo'

by GPSK September 9, 2010

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A chav consists of a simple sum:~
hair scraped back, + tight trousers/dangerously short skirt/tracksuit + tight top, (if girl showing alot of clevage) + attitude problem + big gold earings/necklaces and rings (covering every finger so its almost impossible to pick anything up)= female chav

short blond or bleached blond spiky hair + attitude problem + limited voacb consisting of: 'safe', 'innit', 'ya startin?' and 'mint' + one ear pierced with a earing rather than a stud + a few gold rings + socks pulled over their trousers, of their trousers roled up (anything to be noticed) = male chav

Any other group of individuals is advised to stick in bigs numbers, as there is the 4 on 1 rule. a chav will not start unless there is four of them to anyone they're fighting. Just shows how pathetic they are.

by Pinky Mcpea January 9, 2004

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Basically, the British version of an American douchebag. They ride around in crappy tuner cars, dress like gangsters , wear obnoxious amounts of blinged out jewelry (especially earrings), knock up teenage girls, and smoke. Overall, they act like loitering assholes.

Those stupid chavs in the parking lot gave me so much lip I'd like to crack some skulls!

by FL910 September 4, 2009

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And under culture of growing moronic fags who have never worked and wear the equivalent of a bin bag with a logo on for clothing.

To show How 'hard' they are as they call it, they huddle into large groups (of about thirty) and 'start' on small children or old age pensioners.

But the 'hard' doesn't stop there! They also wear industrial standards gold painted jewelery to make it look like they have been through 'pain'

As well as fashion, they are extremely good at breeding. God knows how when they look like they shoved their piles covered faces into a grease fryer but the average chav can be seen with 6 children and a chavvette mother putrid enough to make you squirm.

They also have an obsession with other peoples moms. Now this is beyond my grasp of why, but if it makes them happy then they should be killed.

Sayings include:
"I shagged ya mom last night and she was good"
"I'll shank ya!!" (see shank)
"Gimme 50p mate!!!"

Overall, chavs are lazy scumbags of Britain who don't work and who the tax payers like ourselves have to pay for. Make them work!

And remember! They want your mom!

I'm walking down a road... 30 chavs appear... MATE GIMME 50p!!! I take a gun out, they run.

by br333br333 March 24, 2008

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They are the scum of the earth...need i say more????

Filth hanging outside McDonalds in large groups attempting to look remotely intimidating.

by Kiwie August 4, 2005

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