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Trojan Horse Formation

In Call of Duty a Trojan Horse Formation is formed when a teammate with a riot shield covers another player creating a shield of protection from the enemy.

Doctor Disrespect- “This map has no cover. Someone set up a Trojan Horse Formation!”

Riot Shielder-“10-4! Roger Doctor!”

by DaPiklizPirate June 29, 2023

Trojan horse cock

A beverage comprised of a drop shot of rum into a beer. Similar to a jaeger bomb, but with rum and beer

Hey, wanna throw up? Try a trojan horse cock

by jon snow123 December 22, 2017

Trojan Horse Friend

Someone who befriends one friend by pretending to enjoy their interest to secretly infiltrate an entire group of friends for false acceptance due to being a shitty person to begin with. Along with this is being a compulsive liar and hating conflict but will also spread ideas and fake thoughts about others to that one person and their group for fuller acceptance and building false trust. Also threatens to beat someone's ass in private but when confronted acts like a little bitch.

Person 1: 'What the fuck is John doing with that guy and his friends?'
Person 2: 'Oh, he is just being a trojan horse friend to get away from his own loneliness.'

by rodlikestoparty July 7, 2018

Trojan Horse Scandal

Islamists in Brimingham High Schools? Tell me something I didn't know!

"This school isn't infiltrated by hardline Islamists, is it Abdul?"

"No sir"

"Do you think it is part of the Trojan Horse Scandal Mohammed?"

"No sir."

"What about you Peter, you evil piece of infidel shit who's screams of agony in the fires of hell will help me reach orgasm when I make those 72 virgins the cheapest slags around?"

"... Allah Akbar?"

by Legolas Redbard November 30, 2015

Trojan Horse Manoeuvre

When your trying to pick up a girl, and when you finally take her home... It's bigger than yours

I'll snag him with the old Trojan Horse Manoeuvre

by ExomperOf December 2, 2023