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Dar Uma á Ninja

Quando se falha todos os tiros a jogar csgo
Quando és mau em todos os jogos em existência

Bro tás a dar uma á Ninja fds(he failed every shot on enemy ct while he was defusing the bomb in front of him

by DiggazWiggaz2740 October 30, 2023

dar uma de menna

1. Criar um perfil falso em redes sociais

O cara foi dar uma de menna e criou 5 fakes pra bombar o evento da festa.

by Banjodragon May 24, 2016

4👍 6👎

Uma maheshwara

Someone who is extremely confident. Uma maheshwara is an expert at programming and all study related things. He may seem very friendly on the surface but will turn psychotic when things don't go his way.

Don't be an Uma maheshwara

by 100feats February 24, 2022

Dar uma de Coates

To score the last-minute goal;
To secure the dub at the last chance;

Diogo is going to dar uma de Coates at K Urban Beach by pulling a hot brunette before closing time.

by gomazilla March 5, 2021

Uma Dale

The most attractive trini to ever exist

Cant believe that Uma Dale could make such and anthony dale.

by anthony dale October 3, 2022

uma jost

Uma Jost is very pretty and a girl with a lot of Friends she plays Football Or Tennis

Gigi Hadid is her best friend
Uma is good actress
Stay strong Uma Jost

Uma Jost

by Fcb9 January 5, 2017

Uma Kvmpton

SDR and WDR motherling, iconic for her "f-f-f-f-f-faggotry" line in her girlgroups verse. Gif-sync victim.

Omg! Uma Kvmpton was 2nd out on All Stars?!

by UmaKvmpton April 4, 2023