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the unexpected eagle

As you are about to "bust" in your girl, pull out and proceed to do a jump over her while busting and screaming like an eagle. Warning, landing is crucial to succeed

I did the unexpected eagle on my girl last night, now my back hurts because i didn't manage to stick the landing.

by Moglisid December 29, 2017

Unexpected Niggary

When you are in a foreign country and you are of different race or color, and an African-American proceeds to call you a Nigga
unexpectedly. That is Unexpected Niggary

Foreigner: Excuse me sir, I am new in this country and i need help with directions would you like to point me to the direction of the movie theater?

African American: Yeah sure my nigga just take a left turn ahead.
You have been called a nigga unexpectedly. Unexpected Niggary

by Unexpected Quotes October 8, 2018

Unexpected Pregnanslay

when you slay on accident

“did you hear about jenna? she wore a shirt she found in the dumpster
“oh god. how bad was it”
“it wasn’t bad at all. total unexpected pregnanslay

by bojack.wh99rseman August 22, 2022

Unexpected Fap

When something is presented for non-sexual purposes but turns out to be sexy.

Check out this video of a lady talking about bees.
Unexpected fap.

by Murzon December 9, 2022

Unexpected Load

When a man is under the belief that he is having protected sex with a female, only to find he is wrong.

Did you here about Steve?

Yeah, his "Unexpected Load" is due in about 9 months.


He thought I was on the pill.

Jesus Kathy, that's a hell of an "Unexpected Load" to explain to poor Steve.

by holymarymotherofdeath November 20, 2011

unexpected Coldplay

When you are surprised Coldplay cracks your top 5 artists on Spotify wrapped.

There was unexpected Coldplay in my Spotify listening history in 2023.

by Glueyvitamin69 December 4, 2024

Unexpecting Mothers

A parking space that doesn’t exist.

Did you find the parking space in the car park for unexpecting mothers after parking your vehicle?

by Patrick the Starfish001 March 24, 2023