Is a latin phrase that means one year. It is also a popular YouTube channel which, even though it's content might seem strange, is quite entertaining. the channel was created by the YouTubers Markiplier aka Mark and Crankgameplay aka Eathen.
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dead. there dead
“have you heard of unus annus?”
“oh that dead channel? no 🥺”
A channel made by Markiplier and Crankgameplays on November 13th 2020. They released 1 video every day for 365 days and on November 14th 2020, after a 12 hour livestream, the channel was deleted.
Memento mori, unus annus.
Did you know that Unus Annus was deleted yesterday?
National Unus Annus Day is on November 14th, where fans of the deleted channel "Unus Annus" celebrate by wearing the merchandise from it or wearing either all black or all white. Unnus Annus was a channel made by Markiplier and Crankgameplays and then deleted on November 14th. the channel only went on for a year to give a message about how you can never stop the clock and to remember that everything comes to an end.
girl: hey guess what today is
boy: what is it?
girl: its National Unus Annus Day!
Today is the day that Unus Annus died and today we wear Black and White to remember them Momento Mori is rember death in latin and Unus Annus is one year in latin
Person 1: Unus
Person 2: Annus
Person 1: Momento
Person 2: Mori
Person 1: Unus Annus
Person 2: Momento Mori
Person 1: it's National Unus Annus Day