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When the inner part of the vagina hangs down further than the labia.

As she stood, the bee tried to land on her vagenis.

by Stepong April 29, 2022


1. When a woman has an oversized clitoris and it resembles a penis.

2. When a butch lesbian acts like she has a penis.

3. A man who is such a pussy its like he doesn't even have a dick.

1. When i went down on her i was poked in the eye by her vagenis.

2. That vagenis is trying to pick up your girlfriend.

3. Take the damn shot, your acting like a vagenis.

by WayWithWords May 25, 2008


What Hermaphrodites have.

She took off her pants and that's when I saw the vagenis.

by Siguario November 19, 2008


when someone has a vag and a penis at the same time, or when you are unsure of someone’s genitalia so when you are talking shit about them you just say they have a big ugly vagenis

did you hear about them? They have a vagenis

by oldmategarry January 27, 2022


1) Slang for a female-to-male naturally developed penis or enlarged, elongated clitoris.

When a Female-to-Male transsexual person has successfully completed the full process of sex-reassignment status, the clitoris will naturally grow into a penis or enlarged, elongated clitoris.

1) I prefer penis, not vagenis.

clitoris penis transsexual

by DOATM February 3, 2010


The sexual organ possessed by someone with a vagina as well as a penis. Typically a set of roast beef curtains with a helmet poking out the top.

Things were getting hot and heavy, i reached down her pants only to realize she had a vagenis.

by Dog pussy May 18, 2022


A transvestites genitalia.

Who in ryan so interested in seeing Caitlyn Jenners vagenis.

by Psychopilot April 22, 2017