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poo valve

the hole; including flap, rim and tunnel, through which mammals launch poo and related solid and gaseous matter.

an exit not an entrance

an area that should always be kept sparkling clean to avoid pri (painful rectal itch)

the area where scented (mountain breeze, potpourri etc) suppositories are inserted prior to a date in order to use farts to set a romantic mood

Dude 1: dude wats up? u look like crap.
Sick dude: yeah dude me frickin poo valve was hanging open all night.
Dude 1: nice

by drpoonandtheteenangels August 7, 2009

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Valve Fanboy

Anyone who thinks valves games are the best ever and thinks any other game is bad.

Person: Hey, did you hear about that new fps game?


by Adam13131313 September 25, 2009

62๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

foofer valve

A phrase used to caution someone before undertaking any difficult task.

I will help you carry that couch.

ok thanks, but dont blow a foofer valve.

can apply to most situations.

by hmorrison February 19, 2011

22๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

kanooder valve

Fictional part of an engine, used when the cause of a problem is unknown.

My FIAT has been running horrible lately, must be that damn kanooder valve.

by ed$$ December 11, 2004

10๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

crimp valve

Arse-hole, ring piece.

I've got some farmer giles swinging from my crimp valve.

by Razor Rudds August 22, 2003

Poofer Valve

The anus hole

When you see someone lifting a heavy, you would say
"dont blow ya poofer valve"
"please do not prolapse your anus everywhere my friend"

by THE--ASSMAN January 14, 2012

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kanuter valve

(1) A generic sexual bodypart.
(2) A generic carpart.
(3) A term used to trick people that don't know much about sex or cars.

(1) Dude, I think I sprained my kanuter valve when I lost it on the handrail.
(2) Sorry ma'am, we're gonna have to replace the whole kanuter valve, and the one that fits your car is mighty expensive.
(3) Hey Chris, know what a kanuter valve is?

by Jeth June 6, 2005

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