A male prostitute that has a tendencies towards rim jobs for Zimma.
The weeze is realy gobblin o rings to get that goober goo.
eating ass with a spoon
that asshole! That Weezing Bag Of Dick Tips
a skater boy that is fat and uncoordinated, obviously constantly breaking his boards with his gargantuan mass. dress sense not even good actually.
watch terrance stack it to shit the absolute fatty batty weez boy
when someone talks about doing something stupid then does the act soon after accidentally.
what if i were to jump over the cliff?
that would be really stupid!
i wonder whats down there...(falling and screaming)OH SHIT!!!!! help me man!!
Ha! i knew you were going to pull-a-weeze!...oh snap...
Rapper And Entrepreneur From New Bern NC Trent Court Projects
I know Ray Weez
The action of unexpectedly blasting the starting riff of a song called Buddy Holl by Weezer.
The act of enjoying the band weezer
Autumn, your weezing so hard
I love weezing, weezer is a great band