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When you think you made a meme

That feeling when you notice you made a meme, you become happy and then notice it sucks.

Person: hey! look at this meme I just made!
Other guy: wow that sucks
Person: oh wowโ€ฆ it really does
guy2: Wow you really thought you could made a meme
Narrator: when you think you made a meme

by That kid who didn't make a mem February 2, 2022

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Beep when you back up

When a person accidentally puts their foot in their mouth or otherwise insults someone, or makes everyone aware of an elephant in the room. Then he or she tries overly hard to make the situation better, or cover up their tracks. Like heavy machinery moving backwards, it's definitely noticable.....

"Wow, you really pissed off Cassidy, do you always Beep when you back up?"

by Dumbella July 2, 2009

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When you come at the king, you best not miss.

One of Omar Little's best lines. He's the king of West-Baltimore and warns his enemies that they only have one shot or else they're gone.

When you come at the king, you best not miss.

by Omar's Shotgun June 29, 2017

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when you type random things into the internet

when you type random things into the internet

when you type random things into the internet

by sdafeascfwesad w January 12, 2021

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zip up his pants when you done

When bro is meat riding somebody it also means zip up his paints when you done sucking his dick

Person 1 Bro kd is better than mj

Person 2 Zip up his pants when you done

by Zip up my pants bitch April 22, 2023

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When you see a lot of holes

A true opportunity which appears negative but may be easily capitalized based on ingenuity, hard work and a unique perspective.

When you see a lot of holes, it's time to make the doughnuts.

by T-dog-O February 11, 2010

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the thing that when you touch it you throw up

the little red thing in the back of your throat that when you touch it you throw up

"I think I have strep throat because there are red dots on the thing that when you touch it you throw up."

by Greg C. Z. September 9, 2007

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