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yaas kaas

Yaas kaas (literally yaas cheese, because dutch)
It rhymes so that's cool when u say it. Yaas kaas is for showing entusiazm and joy. Add as many "a" and "s" as you need to express urself.

1."I bought new scrabble game"
"Yaaass kaaaass"
2."we won't have spanish test tomorrow"
"Yaas kaas!!!"
"It's today."
"Oh well rip"

by uwubadżermintinokiarip November 6, 2018

Yaa Jokaa

Phrase used to exclaim to situation in which a person is stating something one wouldn't say or have done if he or she was in a similar position

Tramaine: I didn't eat any dinner last night even though it was fried chicken

Brandon: Yaa Jokaa, you can't waste food

by Sexy Cheese February 4, 2017