Someone who throws things at Karens
A police arrested a yeeter yesterday it was hilarious
Some who who enjoys Yeeting objects so much that they have their own higher classification and will yeetus a feetus without hesitation.
Brian: Hey man are you still the number one YEETER
Andrew: Hell yeah. *yeets the feetus*
That twisty yeeter fucked up ya trailer park! It yeeted ya trailer to the next county
something you yell randomly either when you cross the finish, score in a sport, recieve a good grade, etc. or just randomly yell out in the middle of class because you are bored
ex 1. Teacher of Global Issues in Historical Context: I will be handing back the tests today.
(Kid who is bad at history gets an 100 on the test)
ex 2. (Joel is in a race and proceeds to absolutely decimate another kid by pushing him into the dirt while passing in order to beat him)
Joel as he crosses the finish line: YEETERS SKEETERS!
ex 3. (The teacher is giving a long lecture and Pablo is bored)
Pablo about 45 minutes into the lecture: YEETERS SKEETERS!
To accept an idea and commence implementation immediately, without proper approval, and iterate on it as required. Contraction of "yeet" and "iterate".
Yeeterators manifesto:
- We don't manage change, we yeeterate
- All changes are yeeterations
- The answer to no code is code, the answer to code is more code
- We don't roll back a yeeteration, we yeeterate forward
- Move fast and yeeterate
The TNT Yeeter is an meme created by the minecraft community. Its created by using 2 grindstones, an skeleton skull and a block of TNT. Many parody's have been made, such as an flying version and the wheat yeeter (villager version).
Person: 'I made a TNT Yeeter!'
Other person: 'Does it fly?'
Person: 'Nah.'